Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Viktor arrived at the castle record time. He put Makkachin in the stables quickly, patting her down and giving her the food. He then ran out of the stable only to be met with eerie silence.

"It's so quiet," Viktor said out loud, hoping to combat the foreboding lack of noise.

Despite against his best instincts, Viktor made his way into the castle. He saw bodies everywhere. They were..sleeping?

"Yuuri?" Viktor called out.

Then he heard a noise.

And a familiar person ran up to him.

"Viktor it's horrible I'm so glad you're here I don't know what to do, and Yuuri..and oh it's so bad-" Minako was sobbing. Viktor grabbed her shoulders.

"What about Yuuri? What happened? Tell me!"

She cried harder, but managed to get the whole story out through stifled sobs. Viktor released the woman in shock, and she slid to the floor.

"Where is he?"

Minako shook her head. "I left him alone for only a minute..when I came back the witch took him. I can't find him anywhere." 

"Then I must go to the witch's house. Tell me where it is."

Minako looked up at Viktor surprised. "Are you sure? The with..she''s just dangerous."

Viktor nodded. "If its for Yuuri-anything."

Minako sighed and wiped the tears off her face. She stood up. "Alright then. Is Makkachin ready to ride?"

Viktor's face turned red. "Actually..I don't think she can move more than ten steps."

Minako hummed, knowing exactly why the poor horse couldn't move. "Alright then. I'll fly us there, but it will be harder to not be seen."

Viktor gave the okay, and followed her out when he heard a noise.

"Oh HELL NO!" A voice screeched.

Viktor turned.

"The whole castle is asleep and who is awake? WHO IS AWAKE???" It screamed.
Yuri and Otabek left the vet house only to be met with everyone asleep. They checked nearly everywhere, but no one was awake. Just as they were making their way through the courtyard, Yuri saw him and screamed.

"Yuri~" He cheered, happy to see the fellow prince.

"No!" Yuri screamed, as Viktor came running up to give him a hug. Yuri ran, but the other man was bigger and more physical fit. When Yuri was tackled in a hug, he heard chuckles of amusement from both Otabek and the lady that was with Viktor.


Viktor laughed as he finally left the struggling blond boy down, of which quickly ran and hid behind Otabek.

"Otabek don't let him touch me I swear-"

Otabek hummed in amusement. "I'll try to help you Yuri but it looks like he really wants to hug you."

"Actually, maybe you can help us." The lady said, out of nowhere. Everyone looked at her surprised.

"You see.." Minako started, and told them the whole story. It got interrupted a few times with salty remarks from Yuri, but by the time she finished both Otabek and Yuri agreed to help.

"Just because I'm helping you doesn't mean I like you, or anything." Yuri said, frowning at the silver haired prince.

Since Minako couldn't fly with three other people, the four of them decided to ride on Yuri's and Otabek's horses. Yuri and Otabek would ride Yuri's, since his horse is as salty as its owner, and Viktor and Minako shared Otabek's.

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