Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Yuri helped push open the doors with Otabek, and they entered the dark room. They entered, and Yuri sneered when the only light he saw was the green flame torches placed across the room.

It was deadly quiet except for their footsteps.

Then the whole room was casted in green, and there sat the witch.

On a throne made of sickenly bright silver, she sat. She look both young and old, wise and ignorant, ugly yet beautiful. It made Yuri's stomach churn.

"Welcome," her voice crooned. It was so annoyingly sweet, Yuri felt himself cringe.

"I know why you're here." She said. "As we speak my prisoner is being rescued. Of course, I don't mind. He won't ever wake."

Yuri growled at the with, but Otabek shushed him so they could hear what she had to say.

"I simply captured look at his beauty... But Yuuri," she rolled over the name like the word itself was liquid gold, "he can leave. But what I care about.."

The flames turned red.

"Is why you think you can kill me?"

Otabek held back Yuri, who was about to launch himself at the woman. Otabek shook his head.

"Oh~ we got a feisty one." She chuckled, looking at Yuri. "Darling~do tell me your name?"

"Never." He hissed. The witch backed up in shock.

"Oh? You're in love? Only men in love can deny my orders. Quite young, so I'm surprised. Is it this other boy?"

Yuri turned red as he glanced at Otabek. Otabek looked at Yuri strangely.

"Ah~ I see it is."

"Screw you, you know nothing. Shut the hell up!" Yuri screamed at her. Her mouth widened in feigned shock.

"I must say I'm quite offended. Okay, enough chatter." With that, the witch suddenly had on combat clothes and in hand she had shield and sword.

"Prepare to die."

Otabek launched himself towards her, his anxiety getting the best of him. The witch took a step back, expecting the blond to attack first, but quickly recovered they started fighting.

Then Yuri joined in. He was quick-beautiful, and amazing. Otabek found his eyes sliding to Yuri, gaping as Yuri started pushing the witch closer to the wall.

But that was his fatal mistake.

It happened so quickly.

The witch pushed Yuri down with her shield, and her sword became a wand. Aimed at Otabek, she quickly chanted a spell, and a green orb quickly shot at Otabek.

It was quick, but Yuri was quicker.

Before Otabek even knew what happened, it was over and Yuri crumpled to the ground. Otabek screamed as Yuri's eyes closed and didn't get up again.

"I knew he would do that." The witch said.

Otabek felt tears leak out of his eyes. This was his fault. He should've been the one hit. Yuri-why did Yuri save him? He didn't deserve this.

"What did you do?" The words that came out of Otabek's mouth sounded like venom, a snake slithering towards it target and striking.

"Oh. Just a sleeping spell. But since you don't know the antidote, he won't ever wake."

"Fuck. You. Bitch." Otabek looked at the witch, murder clear in his eyes.

"Well, you're next." The witch held up her wand but before she could say anything, Minako appeared, and zapped the witch. Otabek figured the spell she cast didn't do any harm, but only made the witch freeze. He could feel the fury rolling off the frozen witch in waves.

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