Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Yuuri's birthday was quickly approaching, and with the weather being freezing (just a perk living in a snowy forest) decided to go for a skate.

He grabbed onto his skates that his Fairy Mother had made him. They were magic.

They grew with Yuuri's feet to fit his perfectly, they never looked old or needed to be cleaned. They were perfect.

Yuuri bid his Fairy Mother farewell before leaving, hiding a smiled behind his hand as he left the house and heard quick scuffling behind him.

Yes, he knew she was preparing for his birthday. Every year she threw a surprise party of some sorts.

Yuuri made it to the frozen pond he's been skating on for years. He laced up his skates and changed. The story he imagined as he skated this routine came to life.

He was no longer a boy living in the woods.

He was now a prince-he was famous, for his dancing. He was beautiful. He entranced everyone when he moved, all eyes on him. No one could look away.

Yuuri was at a ball. He danced, all the other people stopped and stared at his gracefulness. No one could rival him.

Suddenly another prince started dancing next to him.

Who could this be, Yuuri thought.

The silver haired prince grinned at him, as the two danced together in equal beauty. Yuuri could feel his heart racing, and quickly losing himself in the melody. He looked up at the prince to smile shyly when the song ended.

Of course, the prince could also be a princess. Not that Yuuri knows what he wants. The person has short and long hair, depending on the occasion.

Either way, the silver haired prince grabbed Yuuri's hand as a soft song started playing.

Without a word, the two danced.

Everything passed in a blur, and all of a sudden the silver haired prince was leaving.

"Wait!" Yuuri called out, reaching for the fleeing man.

"I'm sorry, but I really must go! It was wonderful." The man then ran, only for Yuuri to chase after him.

"But I don't even know your name!"

But the silver prince was gone, leaving no trace of ever existing except in Yuuri's memories.

Then, there was clapping.

Yuuri nearly jumped out of his skin as he opened his eyes and looked around to locate where the noise was coming from.

Then, he saw him.

Yuuri muttered a curse under his breath.

Because standing there, in the beautiful winter air, stood the prince. His silver hair practically glowed, and Yuuri could feel the intensity of those blue eyes even from being so far away.

"That was amazing!" The prince cheered.

Yuuri gasped, being pulled back to the present. He screamed, embarrassingly, and skated as quickly as he could off the ice, and running towards his cottage as quickly as possible, taking off his skates and running in socks as to not damage them.

"Wait!" The prince yelled after him. Yuuri turned, taking a shortcut.

Yet, he was quickly intercepted by a brown horse in his path.

"Hey there. You move quite quickly."

Yuuri looked up, flabbergasted.

"My name is Pri- I mean, Viktor. Just Viktor."

Yuuri thought for a moment, before smiling coyly.

"Hello there, just Viktor. My name may or may not be Yuuri."

Viktor grinned at the black haired man, staring down at him from his brown horse.

"And hello there to you too, may or may not be Yuuri. What a pleasure to meet you."

Viktor got off his horse, and Yuuri had to take a step back as he marveled at the beauty of the being in front of him.

"It's quite cold." Yuuri said, stupidly as he pointed out the thing coverings that Viktor was wearing.

"Yes I believe so. I'm quite close to the next town though, as it says on the map I'm using.."

Yuuri chuckled. "The nearest town isn't anywhere near here."

Viktor's face fell, taking note of the quickly arriving sunset. "Oh, then I'm in trouble."

Yuuri laughed shyly. "It's not a problem. If you need to, you can stay at my cottage for the night."

Viktor smiled, and reached over to grasp Yuuri's hand, which made the other had a tint of red on his cheeks.

"Oh that would be wonderful!"

Yuuri nodded, then started to lead the way back to the cottage. A strange noise came from Viktor.

"What?" Yuuri turned around, scared that something had happened.

"Your feet." He muttered, staring down. Yuuri's followed his gaze to see his feet, still only being covered in socks.

"Oh. I'm used to the cold by now."

Yuuri continued walking in the snow back to his cabin.

Viktor whistled appreciatively.


Yuuri's Fairy Mother gasped at the beautiful stranger.

"My MY he's so handsome Yuuri! And oh, he has an accent! How wonderful~" She cooed. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend!"

Yuuri's face became red, as he whisper-yelled at his Fairy Mother. "Mom!" He said indignantly.

Yuuri glanced over at Viktor, surprised to see a dust of red on his cheeks too.

Surely it must only be from the cold.

Yuuri told Fairy Mother about Viktor's predicament, and she quickly gave her permission to let him stay.

"He can stay as long as he wants~" She giggled, earning a weird look from Viktor.

Yuuri glanced at the fairy, making a face screaming at her to stop.

"I'll show you where you're going to sleep."

Viktor nodded, following the black haired man into a small room. It was mostly bare, but it was cozy with a bed and a small desk with a quill and parchments scattered over it inside the room.

"Well..dinner will be ready soon. I'll leave you to unpack or whatever you need to do. I'll come get you when it's done."

Yuuri started to scurry to the doorway.

"Th-ank you Yuu-ri~" Viktor said as Yuuri left the room.

Yuuri was falling.

Not only in love, but he was falling down the stairs as he tripped over his own feet and landed on the floor with a thud.

Viktor's head whipped out in a flash.

"Are you okay?!!" He said, worry flashing in his eyes.

Yuuri nodded sheepishly, embarrassed he fell.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine," he got up, brushing himself off.

But honestly, he really wasn't.

The Sleeping Prince [ Viktuuri ]Where stories live. Discover now