Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Yuuri and Minako slipped into the castle unnoticed.

"So how is this going to go down?" Yuuri said, confused that they weren't going to the ballroom first. Minako smiled, practically reading his mind.

"Well, first I'm going to show you the room you are going to live in from now on. Then I'm going to create an outfit for you to wear. Then I'm bringing you to meet your parents, and you will enter the ball with them."

Yuuri exhaled. "Oh."

Minako glanced back at Yuuri. "What's wrong? I can tell you have something on your mind."

Yuuri smiled, feeling happy knowing that someone knew him so well. "I'm just..what if they don't like me?"

Minako stopped walking, and turned around to gape at the boy.

"Yuuri..everyone's going to love you. You're amazing. Your parents, your people-they haven't waited twenty one years for someone perfect, they've waited for someone named Yuuri. That's you. They are going to love you no matter who you are!"

Yuuri laughed awkwardly his face turning a little red.

"Thanks Minako."

She shook her head. "Just the truth."

The two continued their way, until they finally reached a room with a door decorated with roses and sunlight and other pretty things that Yuuri liked.

"We're here!" Minako said, opening the door. Yuuri peeked inside and gasped at the giant room, the large bed, huge closet, and other decorations.

"Okay sit down. Let's think of an outfit!"

Yuuri smiled as he went to sit on the large bed, which had blue bedsheets, his favorite color.

"So I was thinking.."

The two spent a good half an hour deciding on an ensemble for his appearance for the first time in years.

They ended with a slim fitting black ensemble, with a non see-through mess on the chest and crystals lining up the shoulder. There was half a skirt on the side.

"Oh Yuuri you look amazing! Now let's just take those glasses off-"

Yuuri shook his head and waved his hands. "Nononono I won't be able to see!"

Minako laughed. "I'll cast a spell so you'll be able to see the same with or without glasses."

Yuuri paused. "You can do that?"

Minako nodded.

"Then why didn't you do that before!!!"

"You never asked!"

Yuuri threw up his hands. "GAHH FINE OKAY!" He took off his glasses and Minako castes the spell.

"Okay. I need to go find out where the King and Queen are, so wait here for a minute."

Yuuri nodded, and watched as Minako left the room. He stood up to go in the connecting door into the bathroom and look into the mirror.

"Wow I look-"

A song started playing. Yuuri watched in the mirror as he eyes became empty and slack mouthed.

No, he thought. What's going on?

His body started moving by itself. A door opened, and he started taking steps up the stairs. He screamed inside for Minako, anyone.

He stopped in a room. There stood an old lady spinning on a wheel. Yuuri felt a sense of dread course through him as the lady stood up.

The Sleeping Prince [ Viktuuri ]Where stories live. Discover now