Without You #3

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"Lilly,do you want something before I leave?",Lucy,the maid Uncle Bufford had hired to help Lilly asked her as she prepared to go back home.

Lilly closed the book in her hand and attempted to sit down upright which was impossible with her huge nine months pregnant belly.

"No Lucy. Although could you help me to the loo?",Lilly asked feeling the need to powder her nose for the fiftieth time that day.

"Of course",Lucy said as she placed her arms around Lilly's shoulders in attempt to help her up.

As they walked towards the loo, a huge splash was heard as Lilly's gown drenched.

Lilly blushed thinking she had an accident but Lucy led her back to bed knowing she was going into labour.

"Sorry", Lilly muttered looking at the mess on the floor.

"You don't have to be. I'll just go call the doctor", Lucy said as she turned to leave.

"Doctor?. But why?".

"You're going into labour".


Lucy rolled her eyes,"The baby's coming".

"I know. I have for the past six or so months".

Lucy face palmed herself,"Ugh you mad woman,the baby's coming. Right now".

Lilly's eyes widened in realisation. Her baby was coming. Right NOW.

She groaned as a contraction hit her and Lucy quickly left to summon the doctor.

A few minutes after the doctor arrived,he realised after checking that she was dilated enough and asked her to start pushing the baby out.

"I can't do it",Lilly said as she rested her head on the pillow sighing in defeat.

"Yes you can. Just one more push and your baby will be here",the doctor encouraged her.

Lilly nodded and pushed one more time using all the strength she had left in her body and a shrill cry rippled through the entire room.

Lilly passed out soon after giving birth to her little bundle of joy.

* * *

Lilly was dreaming about solid chocolate and pig ears as a voice cut through her dream.


"Ugh,what?",Lilly whispered as she rubbed her eyes.

"He's hungry".

Lilly gave her a confused look before her gaze travelled down to the baby in her arms. Her baby.

"It's a boy?",She asked as Lucy handed her the little baby.

"Yes. A little prince indeed".

Lilly took in the appearance of her son who had a tuft of brown hair on his tiny head and really chubby cheeks.

She chuckled as he freed his tiny hands from inside the blanket and rested them on her arm.

Soon,his eyes opened and Lilly's breath faltered as she looked at them.

She gazed into the same clear blue eyes that always had a kind of storm brewing in them. The eyes that had only ever glared at her but she could make out even the tiniest shift of emotions in them no matter how tiny they were.

But now the same pair of blue eyes were looking at her full of wonder.

"What are you going to name him?", Lucy asked breaking Lilly's reviere.

Lilly thought for a moment and smiled before replying,"Alexander, Alexander Rikkard Ambrose".

In memory of a memorable night, Lilly thought as she smiled at her little bundle of joy.

Don't forget to Vomment😊

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