Modern AU

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Lilly Linton had never seen her little sister Ella as angry as she was at the moment in the past seventeen years of her life.

"I don't know what to do Lil,the stupid Philip Wilkins won't leave me alone. He follows me to my every class. And aunt Brank will probably force me to accept his prom invite just because his dad is rich",Ella said in exasperation as she walked into school building.

Lilly was about to respond with some comforting words when a voice sounded from behind them.

"Ella!",They both turned to face Philip Wilkins waving at Ella as he excitedly made his way over to her.

Ella's eyes widened as she hurriedly turned around and practically ran into the school building and Wilkins followed her in, calling out to her.

Two boys behind her were laughing their asses off and Lilly turned to them with a glare.

One was a brown haired boy with matching brown eyes and next to him was a blonde haired one with steely blue eyes.

"Say Daniel,how long do you think Wilkens is going to keep stalking this new girl for?",the brown haired boy turned to his friend.

"I don't know James. I suppose not more than a week since his last 'love' lasted for about eight days before he moved on".

The boys started laughing again but Lilly was fuming. She walked over to them and snapped,"Quit laughing like hyenas the lot of you!. That's my sister you're talking about".

Both Daniel and James turned to the girl in front of them before exchanging a look. They knew all about her. She was Lilly Linton. The new comer to Lakewood high. Total tomboy but the last person who called her that to her face she had shut his mouth,quite literally by punching him in the face.

"Sorry for your misfortune. But don't worry,Flip's obsession only lasts about a week. He'll move on",Daniel said as he waved a hand nonchalantly.

"Yeah and my sister will probably either run away or kill herself before that happens",Lilly muttered with a frown.

"Excuse my curiosity but if your sister doesn't like him then why doesn't she just reject him and his flowers",James said as he raised an eyebrow.

"It's not that simple",Lilly muttered under her breath and Daniel rolled his eyes.

"Of course it is. I'll show you",Daniel said as he picked up a few dry leaves from the ground and turned to James and spoke in a dramatically high voice,"I don't like you. I hate you and your flowers!. Leave me the fuck alone and stop stalking me you arsehole!".

Daniel threw the pile of leaves on James face and turned to Lilly with a smile,"See that simple".

"You wanker!. You threw dry leaves full of dust and worms on me!",James said as he brushed the dirt and leaves off him and punched his best friend in the stomach.

Daniel grunted,"It was necessary. The punch however,was not".

"She can't say no to him. Our aunt will kill her if she says no to a wealthy man".

"Flip is still in high school. He's not wealthy",James said as he cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"He isn't but his dad is",Lilly stated in exasperation. Trying to get them to understand was worse than teaching a new born to talk.

"I think we need to use a different way to get rid of him. Let's call it 'flipping flip'", Daniel suggested with an excited smile and Lilly rolled her eyes.

"Can you help me or not?".

"Of course we will,Miss",James said with a mock salute.

"Let's go to the library. It's easier to talk there",Daniel suggested.

"Aren't we going to get into trouble for not attending class?",Lilly questioned as it was her first time skipping class.

"No. No one will even notice. Trust me,James and I don't even attend class",Daniel said as he walked into the direction of the library and the others followed him.

"Okay,so who else is blonde with blue eyes in our school?",Daniel asked as he leaned back in his seat in the library.

"What does anything about this have to do with blonde girls in our school?",Lilly asked confusedly.

"Flip has a tendency to 'fall in love' with blonde girls with blue eyes",James answered and Lilly nodded in understanding.

"There are Kerri and Winter Foster",Daniel said but then shook his head. "They would beat flip up before he even had the chance to get a word out".

"Carolyn Blake?",James suggested.

"Are you mad?. She's dating Travis from the football team. He will literally flip 'flip' if he found him near her",Daniel said and James nodded.

"How about Eleanor?",Lilly suggested and both guys nodded.

"That could work",Daniel said and took out a paper and pen from his bag and began writing down a note.

When he was finished,James snatched it from him and began to read.

"Dear Phillip,
I really like you. I have for a long time but I never could tell you. Now I have finally managed to find the courage to tell you. I would really love it if you were my date to prom.
Eleanor Rose".

"Do you think it'll work?",Lilly asked as they made their way to Phillip's locker.

"It should. Where is that damned locker?. 132...134.....136.... Aha,138",Daniel said as he opened the locker and stashed the letter in.

"That idiot never locks it",James said on seeing her face after Daniel easily opened the locker.

Lilly returned to her class for second period and when lunch lolled around,instead of running behind Ella Phillip was running behind Eleanor who looked creeped out.

Lilly sat down at her normal table with Ella and looked to the other side of the cafeteria where James and Daniel were sitting and gave them a thankful smile to which they gave her a thumbs up.

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