Me Before You #3

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I sat ram rod straight in my chair as I watched her leave.

My jaw clenched. What the bloody hell did that woman think of herself?

No one had ever spoken to me in that way before and walked away alive.

No one had looked as hot while doing so either.

Shut up!

I would not go. No I couldn't. I was busy. A very,very busy man indeed.

I sighed. It wouldn't be such a bad idea though,after all there were a few investments in Battlewood I needed to check up on.


"Yes,Sahib?" Karim asked as he turned to me.

"Tell Stone to cancel all appointments for the next few days. We're going to Battlewood," I said and Karim nodded before excusing himself.

After dealing with Stone,Karim and I got in my ten years old but still in mint condition Prius and made a short trip to my hometown.

* * *

"Bloody hell!" I exclaimed as I stepped out of the station and ran to my car.

Leaning against the worn out leather of my car seat,I sighed. The sound of raindrops hitting the ground grew louder making me feel at ease. I was exhausted. After leaving the Empire house,it took me a while to navigate my way back to the subway station since my phone had died and after I got there,I was informed that I had missed the latest train to Battlewood and had to wait three more hours for the next one.

It was now 9 o'clock and I was sure I was going to get an earful from Aunt Brank about how ladies shouldn't be roaming around at night like hobos.

Although she would say it in a 'ladylike' way with much more disrespectful insults that were carefully disguised.

Then she would probably take me to Uncle Bufford to 'teach me a lesson' but would end up getting yelled at herself for taking up a fair amount of his precious time. Uncle Bufford took the use of his time more seriously than the Queen.

Yes,I did just predict the future because this happened almost everyday.

After gathering up all the energy I had left,I started the car and placed my hands on the steering wheel.

The streets were eerily calm with minimal vehicles as I made my way home. The soft bass of the song on the radio filling the silence in the car as I mumbled the lyrics under my breath.

I made it home in about ten minutes and groaned when I saw that the light in the living room was turned on. This meant that Aunt Brank was still awake. Damnit!

Grudgingly I made my way out of the car. Ignoring the cold rain hitting my face,I mentally prepared myself for what was to come next.

Grabbing my copy of the house key from my pocket,I gently pried the door open and slowly stuck my head in.

The coast was clear.

I took a careful step in and slowly closed the door behind me. Before I could take a sigh of relief I heard the screech of a vulture behind me.

"Lillian!" I cringed and turned around to face my aunt who had her talons bared.

"Aunt Brank!" I exclaimed making her glare grow colder.

"Where have you been loitering around,young lady? You know the rules. You come home by eight or you don't come home at all," Aunt Brank said sternly and I mockingly nodded.

"Now,I'm willing to let this slide. If you agree willingly to go to the Evansens' party tomorrow," she stated and I rolled my eyes. Of course. Aunt Brank had the talent of being able to sniff out every party that was being held within a hundred mile radius. She also possessed the extraordinary talent of extracting invitations to every single one of those events.

"Fine. I'll go," I said making my way upstairs but apparently Aunt Brank wanted more assurance.

"Hold your horses there. I want you to be on your best behaviour because they are one of the most elite couples of Battlewood. That means the guest list includes a concentration of eligible rich bachelors that I would like to marry you off to. What do you do if someone asks you out?" Aunt Brank said with a stern look making me huff in annoyance.

"Accept his invitation and trap him in the cage of married life before he has the chance to come to his senses and escape?" I guessed and she nodded proudly at my understanding of trapping men.

"Good girl. Off you go. You'll need to be well rested for tomorrow night. After all you're unattractive enough as it is,we wouldn't want to add panda eyes to the mess as well," She said and I rolled my eyes before skipping upstairs to mine and Ella's room.

The door was closed which was odd for Ella,there was also some chuckling from the other side which was also odd.

I opened the door to see Ella fumbling around with her phone,no doubt trying to hide it.

"Ohh,Lill you're home. I was just setting the alarm. For school. Tomorrow," she said breathily. No doubt a lie. Because tomorrow was a Saturday.

"Really? School on a Saturday?" I asked with a smirk making her face turn beet red.

"Oh? A Saturday? I must've lost track,it's been such a long week an-" she started but I cut her off with a wave.

"It's alright. You must be just tired," I said as I made my way to my bed and plopped down,plugging my phone to charge.

Ella laughed awkwardly. My sister was very naive. She tried her best to hide her relationship from everyone but how could she hide it from the one person whose evening entertainment was their relationship drama?

Before I could say something my phone buzzed and I picked it up to see a dozen missed calls from Elsby not less than ten minutes ago.

Frowning,I sat up and called him.

A few rings later,his panicked voice answered,"Oh miss Linton,thank the lord you called me back."

"Yes,yes thank the lord. What seems to be the problem?" I asked impatiently knowing Elsby would never leave me ten missed calls unless it was a matter of life or death.

"It's Mrs.Ambrose she's tired and looks to be in pain. She's been sweating heaps and the maid suspects she's running a fever. We do not know what happened to her Miss. If only you were here.." Elsby trailed off and I sighed.

"I'll be right there Elsby. Tell Doris to place a hot water compress on Samantha's forehead. Make sure it's not cold. I'm on my way," I said ending the call.

"Lil?" Ella asked in confusion as she watched me get up from my bed.

"I have to go. And I need your help in sneaking out," I said with a sheepish smile which was met with Ella's horrified eyes.


Okay before y'all kill me for being MIA please stop and reconsider cuz college is horribly time consuming. Plus I'm here now,aren't I? Should count for something,right? 😋

Anyway now that I have a short break from my classes,I can update but thing is,I'm out of ideas so if any of you have requests,leave em in the comments along with your opinion of this chapter.

All the love,


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