Fifty Shades Of Ambrose #7

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The air around the table fell silent as the people stared at their boss with wide eyes since he was never one to attend a social event unless it was for business purposes.

"What are you doing here?",Lilly whispered as he slid into the empty seat next to her.

"Preston invited me so I came",Mr Ambrose shrugged nonchalantly and Lilly raised an eyebrow.

"Bullshit. Why are you really here?".

Mr Ambrose just gave her a cool glance before turning back to the other people at the table.

"Don't stop on my account. Now,what are we drinking?",Mr Ambrose said as the people snapped back to reality.

"Don't worry about the money. It is my club after all".

Lilly rolled her eyes. Of course it was.

"Tequila shots",Lilly decided and her colleagues nodded in approval.

"Fourteen!",Lilly announced as she slapped the shot glass on the table.

Kira laughed and raised her hands in surrender,"I give up. I can't do anymore shots".

"Ok. I've gotta go,do you need me to call you a cab?",Kira said as she shrugged on her coat.

She was the last one to leave since everyone else had already left to avoid the awkward time with their boss.

Lilly shook her head and Kira waved to her before walking away.

Lilly reached for another shot but Mr Ambrose blocked her,"I think you've had enough to drink".

"But Riiikkkkk. I want to get drunk!",Lilly pouted and Mr Ambrose shook his head.

"Let's go".


Mr Ambrose raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not getting up until I get another shot",Lilly said raising her chin stubbornly.

Mr Ambrose swept her into his arms and she kicked around helplessly and he glared at her,"Let me go. You're such a spoilsport!".

He ignored her as he carried her to his car and strapped her in.

When he got to the driver's seat,he saw that she was already asleep.

He started driving and after a while came to a stop in front of his house.
He carried her inside and stopped near the guest room before walking ahead to his room.

He laid her down on the bed and she shifted slightly mumbling something in her sleep.

He smiled slightly as he laid down next to her and let her breathing lull him into sleep.

In the middle of the night,gagging sounds from the bathroom woke him up.

He rubbed his eyes as he walked over to Lilly and held her her as she emptied the contents of her stomach.

"Go away. You can't see me like this",Lilly said as she flushed the toilet.

"How are you feeling?",He asked frowning as she washed her face and rinsed her mouth.

"Like shit",she replied as she held her head in her hands.

"Yes,I might recommend not declaring yourself the shot champion and downing fourteen shots in a row".

"Oh put a sock in it",she said as she plopped down on the bed.

Mr Ambrose smirked as he sat down next to her and opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the loud rumbling of her stomach.

Lilly's eyes widened as her cheeks flushed.

"Let's get you something to eat",Mr Ambrose said as he walked out of the room and Lilly nodded shyly as she followed him.

"You know how to cook?",she said sitting on the counter and he nodded at her as he emptied the rest of the spaghetti into the pan.

Lilly smiled,"You are full of surprises Mr Ambrose".

After finishing up with serving the spaghetti onto the plate,Mr Ambrose placed it in front of Lilly.

"Where did you learn how to cook?",Lilly asked as she took a bite of the spaghetti.

"After I was on my own I had to find a job so I got one at a local restaurant to pay my bills",Mr Ambrose shrugged.

Lilly chewed slowly as she looked at him in surprise. This was the first time he had shared something with her.

"I had a job at a café when I was in high school",Lilly said moving her fork around.

"Why a job?".

"Well,my uncle was a miserly son of a bachelor who had his purse up his arse and he was already taking care of five of my sisters along with me so I didn't want to be a burden on him".

"What about your parents?",Mr Ambrose asked frowning.

"I lost them when I was five years old. Since then I've been living with my aunt and uncle", Lilly said smiling sadly.

"I'm sorry for your loss",Mr Ambrose said as he held her hand.

Lilly sighed and squeezed his hand,"It's okay. It was a long time ago".

"It's late. We should probably go to bed",Mr Ambrose said retracting his hand from her hold.

"What?",Mr Ambrose said upon noticing the happy look on her face.

"You do realise we just had a conversation".

"I suppose two people talking could be counted as a conversation",Mr Ambrose said as he walked back to his room.

Lilly followed him and whispered,"I quite liked it. We should do it more often".

Mr Ambrose heard it and nodded slightly,"Yeah. We should".

Lilly stopped dead in her tracks. Mr Ambrose turned around,"You coming?".

She nodded smiling slightly as she walked next to him.

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