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"'s true. The file is missing",Warren said with pursed lips as Rikkard Ambrose stood up and grit his teeth as he turned to face the glass window that overlooked the city of London.

"Get our best agents on this. I want it back here by the end of this week. I don't care what it takes".

"Yes sir...the only problem is most of our agents are dealing with the mining riots in Bulgaria".

"That's convenient!. I will personally attend to the problem at hand but I need someone to accompany me. Karim will attract too much attention. I need someone who is skilled and easily blends in with the crowd",He said and Warren nodded as he took his leave and left.

* * * *

Warren walked into the office area of the newly recruited agents of Empire and stopped when he reached the desk of the woman he was looking for. The one who was perfect for the job.

"Agent Linton",Warren nodded at the woman who looked up in surprise, realising his presence.

"Oh,Agent Hastings",Lilly said as she quickly turned her phone off hoping he had not noticed her slacking off work by playing Dumb ways to die. Which was ironic because being an agent was a dumb way to die.

"I gather you have finished your training to be a qualified agent?".

"Yes,I have",Lilly said not knowing where this conversation was going.

"Good. Because I might have a job for you",Warren said making Lilly grin.

"Meet me after lunch and I'll give you the details",Warren said as he hurriedly made his way out.

* * * *

Lilly chewed on her gum as she followed Warren as he led her out of the elevator. She frowned as she realised they were on the thirteenth floor.

Mr Ambrose's floor. He was very particular about his rules and one of them was that no one was to step foot on this floor unless he himself asked them to do so.



"We're on the wrong floor",Lilly pointed out and Warren shook his head not bothering to stop.

"No we aren't. Wait here",he said as they neared the boss' cabin and she nodded taking a seat on one of the chairs watching as Warren made his way to the office and knocked on the door.

Rikkard looked up from his file upon hearing a knock on his door,"Come in!".

Warren entered the office,"Sir,we have an agent suitable to accompany you on this mission".

"Really?. All the experienced agents are in Bulgaria,whom did you manage to find?",Rikkard asked in confusion and Warren sheepishly scratched the back of his neck.

"Well,she is kind of a newbie but she's pretty good at what she does and she is the only qualified agent among the new recruits".

The temperature dropped as Rikkard fixed his glare on Warren,"She?. A female?. You think I'm going to work with a hormonal woman to recover the most important file of Empire!".

"But sir,she is one of the best recruits. If you would just give her a chance...".

Rikkard's​ lips pressed into a thin line. He had no other choice. Warren was well known by the enemy and so was Karim.

"Send her in",he said and Warren nodded before walking out.

"He wants to see you. Good luck",Warren said with a smile which Lilly returned before taking a deep breath and walking towards the halfway opened​ door.

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