7.I believe I can fly

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Terror settled deep into my heart. Valerie, in the clutches of the Devil incarnate, with his equally bad soulmate, aka my sister, gleefully standing next to him. Trailing behind him was a group of about 30 different supernatural's and hunter's, all bright eyed and blood thirsty. I couldn't take my eyes off the monster of a man in the center.

He stood at at least 6", with a shock of white hair and coal black eyes, high cheekbones and broad shoulders. He looked like a Greek god, despite the fact he was the total opposite. He smirked at me, a malicious curve of his mouth. It was deeply unsettling and swoon worthy at the same time. I cursed myself for my inner turmoil. He was a monster, but why did I have an itch I couldn't scratch just looking at him.

A whimper brought my attention to Valerie, and noticing my gaze, Orion gave her a push in my direction.

"Go on little witch, go to your child." His voice sounded like gravel on gravel, a deep baritone. I officially hated it. Orion smirked at the back of Valerie's head, as his hand twitched with the intention of causing pain.

I raced forward in a flash and lifted the woman who loved me like a daughter, before retreating back to Anna, where the 2 collapsed onto the ground, hugging each other.

Orion glared, his mouth twisting into a snarl, "You're a quick one aren't you?"

By now the werewolves started to growl, realizing who had interrupted their ceremony. Every creature knew of Orion, the twisted bastard that wanted to rule our secret world. He grinned at the sound, stepping away from his group of followers. He spun in a wide circle with his arms spread wide.

"Calm down shifters, I'm only here to collect this beautiful girl, then I will be on my way and you can continue with your howling or whatever it is that you do." He said patronizingly. He was pissing the werewolves off, so I decided to use that to my advantage.

I started to let my claws and my canines descend, to make the wolves know I was part shifter. Orion quickly noticed. With a tsk and a wave of his hand, his magic invaded my body, making my teeth and claws retract. I felt his dark magic brush against something, which made me shiver and hunch into myself, trying to get away.

A commotion among the shifters stole my attention. Orion was on me in a matter of seconds, his hand on my arm as hard as steel as I tried to rip away. He yanked me to his body and roughly grabbed my chin, so close our breath mingled, forcing me to look into his pit like eyes. The world faded into nothing as his eyes started to swirl into a milky white, the color of the porcelain. The illusion was shattered as he was yanked off me, dislocating my shoulder in the process. I screamed out in pain, and clutched at it as I looked up.

My breath rushed out of me as my mouth dropped open. Possibly the most attractive guy I had ever seen, had saved me from Orion. My eyes widened as he fell to the ground, clutching his head. Fury like I've never felt before burnt through my veins, and now free from Orion's magic, my claws painfully ripped through my skin and my canines descended so quickly they pierced my lip. My eyes burned slightly at the change in color, but all pain resided as I flew at Orion.

My hand wrapped around his neck, my muscles flexing as I launched him through the air. I didn't bother seeing where he landed, already too distracted by the masterpiece of a man where he knelt on the ground, staring up at me.

His eyes shone the brilliant orange gold of an Alpha. His hair was dark, almost black, and his nose was slightly bent. His cheekbones were defined, and his lips looked almost feminine. He slowly rose to his feet, causing my eyes to widen. He was tall, like, really tall. He had to be atleast 6'3, maybe more. He was built well, with big muscles that suited his frame. I had to crane my neck to look up at him, my 5'5 height nothing compared to him.

He opened his mouth and muttered the one word I was not expecting."Mate."

My eyes nearly bulged out of my head. Werewolves and Vampires had something called a soul mate, basically considered their 'other half'. No one really knew why they have them, but they have their own beliefs. My own belief was that I didn't have one, because of my uniqueness. Witches on the other hand, don't have them, but if they find someone they truly love, they can perform a mate ritual that binds them.

One minute I was staring at this guy like he was delusional, the next minute my feet were off the ground and I was defying gravity, with someone on top of me. We hit the ground rolling, where we stopped with me on the bottom. I looked into the bright, glowing green half blood vampire eyes of my sister.

Where I looked like our mother, she resembled my father, tall and lithe, black hair and hazel green eyes. Her nose sharp and straight, her face oval shaped but with a pointed chin. She looked better suited to a runway then in a park battling with her sister, her boyfriend the worst supernatural creature since the dawn of time.

My shock gave her the upper hand. She grabbed a hold of my hair and yanked my head back, exposing my neck. Fear settled in as her fangs descended, her eyes turning a brighter green. Memories of the night I was attacked blurred my vision, causing my eyes to water. The memory enveloped me, nearly threatening to destroy me again. I blinked away the tears and forced myself back from the edge, when I noticed Ester hadn't moved, my eyes focusing on hers.

Everything stopped as I stared, our gazes locked. All of a sudden her eyes swirled, fading into black. I felt my eyes change too, the color unknown to me. Ester gasped, still staring into my eyes. A voice startled me. It came from somewhere deep inside me, but it didn't belong to me. Sister,sister,sister... It kept repeating.

A tear rolled down Ester's face as her hands hesitantly moved towards mine. They settled on my cheeks, igniting something inside of me, breaking and releasing a flow of unfiltered energy. It raced through my veins, searching until I felt it reach my face. Ester's eyes widened, an electric shock between our joined skin making me gasp and her to fly off me.

I sat up groggily, back to my original self, spotting Ester laying face down a few feet away, unmoving, but still alive. I finally noticed the chaos around me. The werewolves were fighting off Orion's groupies, the man himself no where to be seen, same with my supposed mate. The fight was getting worse, but it was only the beginning.

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