11.Snap lock bag drag

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For the first time that night, the Queen's eyes altered to a dazzling red, her fury unleashing. I on the other hand, felt very dizzy, and very nauseous. I sighed through my nose, not even surprised any more. Of course Valerie had kept this from me, and judging from Anna's expression, she had to.

From the entire prophecy, one sentence stuck out to me. "The world lies in the hands of the child's two mates, both sisters must follow the path of fate. Does that mean that Ester isn't Orion's only mate? That I am too?"

Valerie stood next to the table, wringing her hands nervously. Anna at her side, almost protectively standing over her shoulder.

"Yes, you are also Orion's mate." I pulled away from the group of sentry's, exhausted. I was dangerously close to tears, frustrated at the whole situation. It didn't help that I still hadn't fed, the teasing chalice knocked over, the contents dripping onto the floor almost mockingly.

"But the bond was magically created, so it is significantly weaker than the connection you have with your true mate." Valerie said, almost pleading with me to understand. I ignored her, my gaze on the floor and my fists clenched.

"How about we retire to our rooms for the night, and meet tomorrow in the library to try and sort this out?" The King, his deep voice cautious, sensing the volatile tension.

I was out of the room in seconds, turning down random corners and hallways. I stopped at the base of a grand staircase, the maid with red hair waiting patiently at the top while I fumed.

"This way, Miss." She was young, probably only a year or two older than me, but significantly smaller. Her voice was light and airy, almost innocently so, accompanied by an Irish accent.

I followed after her as she navigated the halls, her legs moving surprisingly fast for someone so small.

"My name is Madeline by the way. I'll be your maid for the duration of your stay." I didn't reply other than a grunt of acknowledgement, still caught up in what happened. I struggled to process everything, and with a heavy heart, wished my mom was here with me.

Madeline slowed to a door at the end of a long hall, and pushed it open. I was brought out of my reverie as I looked around the opulent room, the giant bed layered with silk and pillows. The walls were a pretty light grayish purple, adorned with portraits of long gone vampires.

An armoir took up the far right corner, a mirrored vanity and matching seat in the middle of the wall opposite the bed. Which was a dark wood with posters that connected at the top. White sheer curtains were tied up to each pole. Despite the dire situation I was in, I grinned gleefully at the thought of drawing the curtains like a princess.

"Your bag is in the armoir and if you need anything just press this button here." The pretty maid motioned to an almost out of place intercom next to the door. She began to back out of the room, her light blue skirt swishing on the floor.

"Oh wait, is there any way I could get some, um, blood?" I asked awkwardly.

"Oh of course, I'll send a donor up straight away." She was out of the door before I could protest. My eyes widened at the thought. I had been bag fed since the attack, never once feeding on a human. It was considered illegal to feed on a human, but it didn't surprise me that the Royals did. They considered themselves above the law.

I pressed the intercom, cringing at the crackling before a voice spoke. A woman, asking how she could help.

"I was just wondering if I could get bagged blood?, Donors make me lose my appetite." I spoke into the speaker, feeling completely ridiculous. I heard the woman snicker and whisper something, before replying.

"I'll arrange that right now, ma'am." I rolled my eyes and headed to the bed, moaning at how comfortable it was. Before long my eyes were closing and I was asleep.


I angrily brushed my hair, sitting at the vanity. It was nearly 2 the next day, and I was waiting for the meeting in the library, which was happening at 5.

I'd awoken to a knock on the door at 11 and hurried to answer it, only to find a literal bag of blood on the floor. A snap lock bag. I had furiously paced around my room until I tried the intercom, but nobody answered.

So I'd angrily had a shower in the ensuite that I'd failed to notice last night, before sitting in a robe. I yanked at the knots in my hair, tears in my eyes. And yes, I'd put my dignity to the side and drank the blood, piercing the plastic with a fang.

A sharp rasp on the door paused my continuous brushing. I stomped over and yanked it open, causing Madeline's heart to race.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you." I retreated back to the small table, nearly snapping the brush.

"Are you alright?" Her shock of red hair appeared in the mirror behind me as she bent to catch my gaze. I groaned and spun to face her, repeating what had happened. Her small face screwed up as her frustration grew, her big brown eyes barely blinking.

"That must have been Gemma, she's so mean to people. But as soon as the Queen is in sight, she acts like an angel. It's so frustrating!" Her little hands were balled into fists, her cheeks slightly red. Her reaction made me laugh, and I realized that I hadn't even introduced myself to her.

"I'm Regina by the way. I forgot to mention that last night."She smiled kindly, shaking my hand.

"I know who you are, everyone does now. You're the infamous Hybrid." I stared at her, blinking. Wow, news traveled fast around here. I turned back to the mirror, my eyebrows raised. Madeline stayed quiet as I brushed my hair, thinking to myself. After a few minutes I headed to the armoir, pushing aside dresses to reach my bag. I pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt, turning to go to the ensuite.

"You're not planning to wear that are you?" Madeline asked, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the items like they had mould on them.

I raised my eyebrows and put a hand on my hip, staring at her. She raised her hands in mock surrender, leaving me to change. I called out to her through the door.

"So, how did you end up working for the Royals?" She was clearly human, and only a select few were allowed to know of our existence.

"Well, my mom worked for a famous artist in Ireland, she was a maid too. She found him one night. He'd attacked a human boy, only thirteen years old. She managed to get away and we fled here after the Queen contacted her, requesting her presence as a witness to the crime. The King offered us amnesty, and so now we work here. My mom runs the kitchen now."I opened the door in shock, staring at her as I walked back out.

"That's crazy. How old were you?" She stood behind me where I'd sat back down at the vanity, playing with my hair.

"I was only five then. I'm twenty now." I tried to imagine myself in her shoes,  what it would of been like fleeing my home country from a crazy vampire.

We talked for a few more hours, telling each other about ourselves. I found myself opening up to her quite quickly, which wasn't something I did often. She told me about the Lord she was crushing on, a vampire named Mathias. She had never been in a relationship before, had never even held hands with someone she was interested in. She had only left the estate a few times to go to the nearest village, but no one her age worked here so she had very few friends.

"When I turn eighteen I'm gonna take you out. The legal drinking age is eighteen here right?" She nodded, a small smile on her lips. "We're gonna go drinking and meet some people and talk to guys. It'll be so much fun." She laughed and stood, shaking her head slightly.

"Come on, the meeting in the library is in five minutes. The Queen will bite your head off if you're late." I rolled my eyes and followed suit, stopping to retrieve the prophet Alizabeth's grimoire from my bag, before following the little red head out the door.

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