10.Blood bound

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Valerie gasped, her head flying up."No! You promised that she'd-" The Queen cut her off, sliding in the opposite direction of her chair in disdain.

Celeste nodded to a woman four seats away. The girl's eyes glowed lilac purple, an Elder, as she raised her hand and twisted. Valerie froze,unmoving as the magic kept her in place. The same happened to Anna when she tried to protest.

I growled, pulling against the chains as my anger rose, my eyes changing to their unique color. The pupils still black, but with red, purple, green and orange cracks running through them. The King and a few others gasped, leaning away even though they sat at the opposite end of the table. My gaze landed on the witch.

"Let them go." I roared, my fangs shifting, my claws gripping the ends of the wooden arms as I thrashed against the confines. The chain on my right arm gave slightly, but not enough to break. The witch shifted, her chair scraping back, ready to flee if she needed.

The Queen tsk'd, bringing my multicolored gaze back to her. "Look at you, so loyal to the ones that betrayed you." Her voice was smooth and quiet, belittling.

At the reminder, I settled down, my breathing regulating and my fangs and claws retracting. My eyes stayed, defiant.

"What exactly do we call you? You're clearly not normal, that's obvious. I think, before we do kill you, that we should get a second opinion. Bring him in." She motioned to a servant standing next to a door. He opened it, allowing a man to stroll through.

I blanched, startled. Light brown hair, blue eyes, large nose, thin glasses. He was dressed casually, a light blue sweater and jeans. It was the doctor from the night of my accident. I silently pulled against the chain on my right arm again.

"Doctor Provetra, so kind of you to join us. I believe you remember this young lady?" The King addressed him, nodding toward me. He had an almost remorseful look on his face as he nodded back.

"In your expert opinion, what do you believe she is?" The Queen asked, a sadistic smirk on her small mouth. Provetra stood behind Anna's chair, his right hand clasped around his left wrist nervously. He stayed a few feet from the King and Queen, obviously not trusting them.

"Well, the night she was attached, the vampire and werewolf venom's had entered her bloodstream at the exact same time. Instead of the toxin's trying to clash, it appeared that they seeped together. Working in equal balance, making her half werewolf, half vampire. A new breed. A completely unheard of creature. A hybrid. Having both kinds of venom in her blood, it created a poison, and when the vampire tried to feed, and the werewolf tried to kill her, her blood burnt through their bodies, killing them. Regina's blood is a weapon in itself, lethal, to all kinds of supernaturals." I sighed, my eyes closing as the realization hit. He had just pulled the trigger of a loaded gun, gave the Royals enough reason to kill me.

The room was silent as Provetra's words settled, the others all looking at each other, and towards their Queen. The Queen that kept her glaze on mine, the slightest of smiles pulling at her mouth.

"I guess it's settled then, she is a danger to all supernaturals, she must be executed. Onslo, if you will." A pure blood stood from the table, a hulking man with long hair and a big head. He sauntered down towards me, brandishing a silver blade, long and sharp with a jeweled handle.

My heart sped up the closer he got, his steps like claps of thunder in my ears. I tugged at the chain harder as he neared. He rose the blade as I yanked hard, the chain finally coming free. I bolted out of the chair and swung my left hand, the chain still attached. The wooden seat splintered against the pure blood's frame, allowing the other chain to come loose.

I twisted around the man, too fast for him to stop me, and stole the blade from his grip. We fought, dancing back and forth as Sentry's burst into the room. I lodged the blade into the man's leg and spun as a Sentry came close, the chain still in my grip, lashing against their neck and shoulder.

I was tackled, the lack of blood or food slowing me down, weakening me. My gaze met the furious Queen's, who stood behind a battalion of Sentry's. The werewolves and witch had fled, leaving Valerie and Anna free from her magical confines. They yelled and begged, even Provetra beseeched for my life.

I was yanked to my feet, overpowered by the number of guards. A silver blade bit at the exposed flesh of my neck, my head pulled back by my hair. The woman looked toward the Queen, awaiting her word. A triumphant nod of her head.

I exhaled and closed my eyes, excepting my fate. I felt the blade dig slightly, ready to slash my skin.

"If she dies, then we all die too!" Valerie shrieked, a last ditch effort to keep me alive. The Queen was in front of her in a blink of an eye, her hand gripping her throat.

"You better speak, witch, or you and your daughter can join the mutant's fate." I swallowed nervously as Valerie's eyes met mine. She had lied about telling me the whole story.

"Regina isn't just a vampire and a werewolf, she has the soul of a witch." The Queen huffed and stepped back, frustrated that there was more. "The witch Reena, Estrianna's sister. Orion's Aunt." The room had gone deathly quite, everybody frozen.

"There's a prophecy, about Regina and her sister Ester;

Two sister of blood but not of love, are forced to come back above.
One must overcome loss and betrayal,
While the other must let love prevail.
One will rise and become the Queen of Darkness,
While the other will remain forever heartless.
Together they must vanquish the child,
Before he is released out to the wild.

Set in stone, ink and bone,
The world lies in the hands of the child's two mates,
Both sisters must follow the path of fate.
For if not, and destiny is currupted, then the bonds between the three kinds shall be ruptured.

If the demon witch is not destroyed, then the warriors of hell will be deployed.
Blood began this twisted war,
And blood must stop his tainted core.
One broken sword, a twisted crown, and faded ink, evil bound.
Three objects to be the only solution,
To stop the monster's crazed revolution.

The Queen Of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now