28.Broken Sword

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I pulled my jacket closer, sighing tiredly as I watched the sun dip below the horizon.

I tucked my knees up, resting my chin on them as I sniffled. It had been over a week since the Anniversary Ball, and everything was beginning to fall apart. The guests had begun to riot, fighting with Celeste and Alexeron. I understood where they were coming from, they just wanted to go home.

Two days after the ball, Celeste allowed a particularly problematic group of werewolves to leave, with the acception that she was allowed to track their journey. They set off in wolf form through the forest, and made it nearly an hour before they blinked out of existence. It wasn't too hard to figure out what happened to them.

People had been whispering about me since, glaring hatefully whenever I was around. They blamed me for being trapped by The Immortal Faction, they assumed that all Orion wanted was me. They were naive. There was hundreds of people from covens, cohorts and packs from all across the globe, plus the royals, residing in the estate. If Orion did attack, he had the ability to wipe out generations of families, the entire monarchy, and humans alike. With the bonus of getting me.

"Regina?" I turned, surprised to see Finian climbing onto the roof where I sat. I smiled halfheartedly and shifted back to staring out over the front of the estate. From here, I could see the town below, where Anna, Maddy and I had gone to.

"What are you doing up here?" He sat beside me, his legs outstretched. His brows were furrowed in worry, his mouth in a thin line.

"I had to get away from all the judging." I chewed my cheek as he placed his hand affectionately on my thigh, rubbing soothingly. I groaned and leant my head on his shoulder.

"The Immortal Faction could attack tomorrow and all we have is the grimoire. We at least have some idea about the crown, but the stupid sword we know nothing about." Finian shifted toward me, my head rolling off his shoulder awkwardly.

"What exactly does the prophecy say about the sword?" The only time he'd really heard the prophecy was the night he'd arrived, so I reminded him.
"The only thing it says is 'one broken sword'. That's it. It could mean a jeweled hilt is missing a stone, or half of its buried. Or it could mean it's shattered completely. We know nothing about it, there's no correlation between a sword and me." I turned to the Alpha as he stiffened, his fists balled.

"But there is one between a sword and me." I frowned and swivelled toward him, my head cocked slightly. He acknowledged my confused state and sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"My father, despite being alpha, preferred to fight in human form when going to battle. His weapon of choice was a sword that was passed down through our family. It's tradition for the Iron Moon Pack that when an Alpha is dethroned, that sword is to be used to execute the fallen werewolf. When I overthrew my father I decided to spare his life, and as punishment I made him watch as I shattered his beloved sword." My mouth opened in surprise as my eyes widened. I stood excitedly, slipping slightly on a roof tile. Finian reached out to steady me, but I jumped into his lap instead.

"That's it Finian!" I pressed my mouth to his harshly, pulling back with a smile. "Where is it?" At my question he sighed, shaking his head.

"I never retrieved it after that night,  so I assume it's buried in our compound at home." I grimaced, but stood, not deterred.

"Let's go inform the royals."


Alexeron, Celeste, Herald and Cosima stood silently in front of the map as we entered the sanctuary. Finian and I glanced at each cautiously.

"What's going on?" Alexeron looked over his shoulder at us, his dark brown furrowed. He turned outward, the others following to allow us to see the map. My eyes widened in shock.

Once again Romania was in the center, except this time there was no purple dots. None bordering or inside the country. I looked between the group warily, my heart beating with adrenaline.

"What's going on? Where are The Immortal Faction?" Herald answered, my lip curling lightly in disdain.

"It seems they've retreated back to the states." Cosima turned to him, her head tilted in concentration. Her milky gaze flicked to me, as if signalling something. I frowned as she swivelled back to the map.

"Does that mean it's safe for everyone to leave?" Finian questioned, stepping up next to me. The royal couple leant into each other, whispering quietly.

"We'll give it till Saturday until everyone can leave. We're in a cautionary period, we don't know if The Immortal Faction still have members in the area." That left five days of the stares and whispers.

"Plus it means everyone will still be here to celebrate your coming of age birthday." I grimaced, groaning as Celeste grinned.

"Whatever, that's not why we're here. Finian knows where the sword is." My announcement was clearly heard. Herald straightened, his beady eyes narrowing. Cosima finally turned, a light defiant smile pulling at her lips. Alexeron looked liked he could kiss my mate, and Celeste looked positively relieved.

Finian relayed the event of him becoming alpha to the two witch's and two vampires.

"It's settled than, you'll both leave on Saturday to retrieve it." Maddy came to mind, and how we'd planned to go out on Saturday. It had already been cancelled once since The Immortal Faction threatened the borders, I couldn't let her down again.

"Actually, can we leave Sunday? I have something to do on Saturday." Celeste agreed, not pressing my vague excuse. She motioned us to leave with a wave of her hand.

On our way to our room we passed a certain avoidant pure blood, standing in an alcove. Finian nodded and kept walking, knowing that I was about to kick Mathias's ass. Maddy had been miserable since the ball, thinking the ancient idiot didn't want her.

"Mathias, why the hell did you run out on Maddy?" I scowled, my hands on my hips as the vampire turned, his expression dark. He looked more miserable than my best friend.

"Fuck off Regina." I huffed, my mouth pinching as my anger began to rise. He turned as if to walk away. I clenched my teeth and raced toward him, my hand gripping his arm. I yanked him toward me, my eyes glowing as I stood chest to chest with him.

"You listen here you little shit, my best friend has spent the last nine days crying her eyes out because the guy she's been pinning after for years finally, finally gave her some false hope. Man up Mathias, Maddy's human with a human heart. That you've successfully broken." He shoved me painfully, my feet sliding across the floor as my back hit the wall.

"That's the problem! She's a human, and I nearly lost control. I nearly bit her!" His chest heaved as he breathed heavily, his face pulled in pure anguish.

My shoulders fell as I realized what he was saying, my expression shifting into one of pity. I knew the kind of pain losing control caused. I stepped toward him, but he shook off my hand.

"Now you know." He turned out of the alcove and strode down the wide hall, his head hanging. I stepped out, watching him.

"You know she'd change for you? Become a vampire?" He paused, his head turned slightly. After a second he straightened and continued, disappearing as he sped away.

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