23.Evil Royals

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That night Finian wasn't in bed when I arrived, but a few hours after I fell asleep I felt him slide under the covers and wrap an arm around me. When I woke late in the afternoon, I was surprised to find him still next to me, his leg between mine as he lightly snored.

I pulled away from him and out of the bed, shuffling over to the en suite. I began to brush my teeth, turning as I heard my mate shift. He stared up at me from the bed, his blue eyes focussing as he yawned. I spat out the toothpaste and rinsed, wiping my mouth on my sleeve. I leant against the door frame and crossed my arms, raising my eyebrows in demand.

"When did we discuss that you'd move into my room?."He grinned cheekily and sat up, leaning against his arm. The cover slipped down, revealing his shirtless form. I blanched, my eyes trailing over the exposed flesh. A scar slashed across his collarbone and down to his ribs, a tattoo on the opposite side under his heart. I coughed and averted my gaze, trying not to look back.

"We didn't, but your bed is more comfortable than mine. Then there's the fact that you're my mate, sleeping with you relaxes me." My brows jumped as I glared.

"I barely even know you, we've hardly spoken more than a sentence to each other. I mean, at least take me on a date first." I joked, exasperated. He rolled out of bed, muscle's bunching as he stood. He sidled passed me into the bathroom, his hand brushing against my side. Electricity bloomed from his touch, my skin tingling.

"Fine, meet back here at eight. Wear something casual, but nice." He smirked down at me before closing the door in my face. I heard him chuckle as I floundered, throwing my arms up wildly. A second later the shower turned on.

I groaned and marched to the closet, muttering under my breath about my infuriating mate. I threw on some clothes and slammed the door behind me, smiling despite the situation. Stupid mate, stupid date.


"Alexeron, I've been doing magic for three days!" I smacked my hands on the table, my eyes alight in fury. I was beyond frustrated with the King, he kept pushing me to locate the crown but despite having a magic soul I was still a novice.

"If we don't find that crown we could all die Regina! And if it gets into the wrong hands then Celeste and I are screwed." He growled, his eyes red. It was the first time I'd seen him remotely angry, and I felt like a child being scolded. He stood across from me at the circular table in the sanctuary. His white dress shirt was unbuttoned at the top, his sleeves rolled up to reveal his dark, tense arms. His eyes shined bright, contrasting against his skin. For a second I pictured him as a cold harsh King, standing behind the evil Celeste as they stared down at a pile of dead humans.

I shook away the image and relaxed, sagging against the wood. I spoke softly, trying not to anger him more.

"Alexeron, if the ink doesn't move from this spot, then perhaps it's still in this room." The blueprints of the estate were placed in front of me, lamenated to protect them from the ink I was using. A grimoire was to my right, a locator spell open. It was the third one I'd used, the fifth time I'd performed that specific one.

"Then we tear this room apart." We did just that. We pulled all the books from the shelves, checked the trunks, the record player, the wardrobe, and moved the furniture around. But the crown was no where to be seen.

We sat back at the table, exhausted after fixing and cleaning the room.

"What's the Anniversary Ball?" I asked, my head propped against my hand. The King smiled slightly at my words, deep in thought like he was remembering something.

"It's the anniversary of our coronation, the day we became the King and Queen of the supernatural world. It's been our traditional to throw a ball every year for it, and this year is the four hundredth event. It's next Saturday." I appraised the year loudly, surprised. That meant Celeste and Alexeron had been together for over four centuries.

"Aren't you worried that Orion might attack?" He sighed, shifting in his chair.

"I am, but Cosima has assured us that he won't attack that night." I sat up, my gaze hardening as my heart sped up.

"But he will attack, won't he?" Alexeron turned and squared his shoulders, looking directly at me.

"The seer is relying on your sisters decisions, Orion has put a protection spell on himself. He can't be tracked or magically seen, so Cosima is watching his closest allies. None of them have given us reason to believe they will attack anytime soon." The statement didn't do anything to relieve the fear coursing through my body. The constant threat of The Immortal Faction had spiked my paranoia, causing me to constantly be on edge.

"Do you have the time?" I stood and gathered the blueprints, putting then back inside the cardboard tube.

"It's seven thirty nine." I inhaled sharply, spinning to Alexeron.

"Go. Tomorrow, resume your usual tasks, I'll keep looking for the crown." I nodded and hurried out of the room, bolting through the library. I flew into my room and to the closet, throwing apart hangers. I settled on a white wrap shirt, and paired it with my black jeans and some ankle boots. I hurriedly filled in my eyebrows and coated my lashes with mascara. I brushed my hair and left it down, the dark locks curling lightly. I gasped as there was a knock on the door, and tried to act nonchalant as I opened it. I frowned at Maddy as she grinned up at me.

"Finian sent me to fetch you. You're finally going on a date!" I chuckled at my friends excitement and followed her down the hall.

"Where exactly is my date?" Maddy just smirked at me, lightly shaking her head. I groaned loudly.

"Are you excited?" I pursed my lips in an attempt not to smile but failed.

"Yeah I am. It was quite a spontaneous decision, he only asked me this morning. He's been sleeping in my bed for the past three nights." Maddy gasped, her mouth opening comically wide. She smacked my arm as she bounced lightly.

"Why didn't you tell me? Oh my god, have you two had sex?!" I glared at the little red head, my brows low.

"No we haven't, we've just been sleeping in the same bed." I ignored her sarcastic expression and focussed on where she was leading me, which happened to be outside into the gardens. The sun had set just over an hour ago, but the sky was still light. It bathed the plants and flowers a warm blue, the air warm and the breeze cool. We twisted between tall hedges and passed statues, heading for the right side of the estate. We turned a corner, walking along the path. I gasped quietly as looked up.

In the centre of the garden lay a wooden pavilion, painted white with red tiles on the roof. It was hexagon shaped, raised out of the garden with a balustrade carved between each post, which had each been wrapped in green Christmas lights. Finian sat at a little table inside of the structure, his head resting on his hand as he looked in the other direction.

I examined him as we approached. He wore simple blue jeans and a black dress shirt, rolled at the sleeves as usual. A dark jacket was slung over the chair, the color the same as his shoes. His hair was styled for once, gelled to one side, and he'd shaved his face. He was quite a handsome man.

Proved more so when he finally turned, his dark blue eyes finding mine. My breath caught in my throat as he stared, and I wondered if I'd be able to sit so close to him without ogling him. He stood as we neared, impossibly tall.

"Oh lord." I murmured, my stomach filling with butterflies as I climbed the steps. I turned to Maddy, eyes wide in desperation. She cackled, and with a wink skittered away, leaving me to the wolves. Literally.

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