Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Olivia

       On the way out the door to science, Josh catches up to me. "What do you have next?"

       "Science." I'm concentrating on not tripping, my glance alternating between Josh and the floor. Might as well not make a fool of myself.

       "Oh. I have my creative class now." Is it just me or is he disappointed?

       "Whats your creative class? Mine's sewing. Its last hour." I don't dare ask him if hes disappointed, he'd probably think I'm a weirdo.

       "Carpentry," he says, "It's one of the only ones that I liked somewhat. I wasn't about to do cooking, or," He grins at me, "sewing."

       "Oh, cool! And, yeah I can see why you might not have chosen them. See ya!!" We turn in our different directions, and I replay our conversation in my mind as I walk into Mr. Finches life science class. Did I sound stupid? I turn into absolute mush around him!

       Science goes by in a flash, with Mr. Finch going over much the same of what we went over in homeroom, with some other stuff added on, like what units we have in science this year. He's cracking jokes left and right, most of them pretty sad. Some kids laugh at the pathetic ones, but probably just to be nice.

       Science jokes are not funny, especially when you hear a bunch of them in a row. In fact, they are just plain irritating after a while. It's nice that Mr. Finch is trying to be friendly and all, but he's doing a pretty bad job of it. There's always that teacher who tries so hard to be funny, but fails. Mr. Finch is that teacher.

       Finally its history. I didn't even realize I was looking forward to this class until I headed towards it. I can't wait to tell Kelly about Josh, and Selena, too.


       In history I hurriedly point out Josh to Kelly, who seems to be more silent then usual, looking at him. But his hotness could do that to any girl, so I don't dwell on her quietness much. I quickly explain to Kelly Joshes and I's conversation in the hall this morning.

        "Your kidding, right?" Her voice seems a little strained, but I just account that to her disbelief that he actually said that I was pretty to me.

        "I know right!! It's so amazing, hes just so cute, don't you think? I still can't believe it myself. Do you think he likes me?"

       "Um, no. I think he was just flirting with you. He probably flirts with everybody" Kelly says snarkily, like shes trying to hide something. Whats up with her, anyways? Is she jealous? No, Kelly's almost never jealous, not even when people say how pretty I am, and smart too, which I get quite a bit. It annoys me too, but it probably annoys her more.

       "Why do you think that? You barely know him."

       "You don't know him either. Your being full of yourself, thinking he likes you. Just because everybody thinks your pretty doesn't mean that he likes you."

       My jaw seems to automatically lower, probably leaving a unflattering stunned look on my face. So maybe she is jealous. But isn't that going to far? All I did was ask if he might like me. My face feels as if its turned to stone. In fact, my whole body does. What is up with her?

       "I know I don't know him. I only asked if he you thought he liked me." I say out loud icily, trying not to express my tumbling emotions. "I am not being full of myself!"

       "You know what? It's not worth it. Your not worth it, Christine. You've always been self centered, but this is taking it to far, OK? I don't want to be your best friend anymore!" Kelly turns sharply on her heel, walking to her seat. I stare after her retreating figure, and am glued to the spot.

       What on earth just happened? My mind seems to be twirling around, faster and faster, till I have no control over it. I mechanically walk over to my seat, trying to work out the mess taking place in my mind. Did Kelly just dump me? Over a boy? That is so low! we've been best friends since the first day of kindergarten, when she dropped her cookie and I gave her mine! And she dumps me now?

       No matter how much what she said hurts, I still want to be her friend. Her best friend. We know each other like the back of our hands. Scratch that. We knew each-other like the back of our hands.

       Right now I don't know her at all. Shes like a stranger. Can an hour of middle school do that to a person? No, I don't think so. I go through what she said again in my mind, like a disk stuck in one place, playing the same thing over and over again. And right now its stuck on the worst part of the entire movie.

       What did I ever do to her? How was I self centered? I go through all my memories connected to her, yet none seem to advertise self centeredness on my part.

       I'm not even sure I could cry if I tried, I'm so rigid right now. Nothing is going through my barrier at this moment. Everything seems silent. I see lips moving, but I can't hear them, I'm too confused. Even seeing Josh wave to me doesn't beak my reverie.

       I focus, but not on the teacher. My eyes focus right on Kelly's back almost automatically. She doesn't look back, not even once. Ever since kindergarten she's called me Christy, laughed with me, shared everything with me. I always knew what she was thinking, and how to comfort her if she felt bad. So why is it that now I can't tell a single emotion, not a wisp of what shes thinking about what she just did? Did our friendship always go only as far as boys?

       Was our friendship never real?

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