Chapter 26

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         "Gabrielle! Over here!" We turn around to the sound of Nicole's voice and see the tall, slim lady waving frantically at us from a table next to a window, showing all the airplanes outside. I give an exaggerated wave back, long and slow, and Mom glares at me.

         "Honey! Be polite," She hisses at me, before turning in their direction. "Good morning Nicole! Exciting day, isn't it? How long have you  been here?"

        "Oh, not long at all; must've been only a few minutes," Nicole assures us, as we walk to their table. "We haven't even ordered breakfast yet!"

        "You didn't have to wait for us," Mom chides her, but Nicole holds out her hand to stop her.

        "Oh, don't worry, we wouldn't have even had time to order. Holly wants a bagel, do you know if any of the places here serve bagels?"

        "Oh one must," Mom says looking around the food court. "Yep, over there, there's a bakery!"

        "Oh good," Nicole says happily. Holly just sits there looking stubborn and angry. I avoid her peircing gaze.

       "What do you want, Christine?" Mom asks.

       "I kind of want a bagel too, if that's ok," I answer politely, with the fakest smile ever that you only find on me when I'm cheerleading.

         "Of course it's ok!" Mom says, and we go off to the little bakery with wonderful smells of baking goodies emitting from it. "What kind?" My mom asks both Holly and I, pulling out her wallet. She waves away Nicoles protests, insisting on paying.

       "Uh blueberry," I say, quickly scanning the choices of plain, blueberry, everything, or whole-grain.

       "Everything," Holly answers too right after me, pointing at the everything bagels.

        Soon were seated with our warm food, and are digging in. The bagel is ok, I guess. Pretty good, and bagels are always delicious. They're one of my favorite foods.

       "Ok, so here's the plan ladies. When we get there at around 11ish or so, we'll have lunch after unpacking at our hotel, ok?" Mom goes on, since it's a question not meant to be answered. "After that we're going to the New York Historical Society. Lord knows how long that'll take. At 4 we have an appointment with my employers, to start figuring out who's wearing what in which way, and lighting and make-up and whatnot. This should've been settled a long time ago, but they wanted to wait until I could be there, so it will be pretty rushed."

       "Uh ok," I say. That's quite a bit for the first 7 hours or so.

       "So Christine and I get to model some outfits, right?" Holly pipes up, looking truly excited for the first time on this very early Saturday morning.

       "Yes, one or two each; we'll see. But you'll definitely get to model at least one," Mom smiles, and Holly beams.

       "Yay! Thanks so much Ms... uh Gabrielle! I can't wait, thanks so so much! I can't believe I get to actually model one of your amazing outfits!" She thanks mom, who's beaming under her praise.

       Whoa, who knew Holly could be truly nice without thinking, and excited to top it all off?

      That's not the Holly I know; the one I know is only excited about two things: boys and clothes. And she is almost always rude.


       "Uh ginger ale please," I say in response to the flight attndences question. She just arrived, with her cart full of delicious, sugary drinks(unless your boring like my mom and get water. Who gets water on a plane?)

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