Chapter 8

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        The remainder of the week I mainly avoid Holly and Josh, and practice for cheer-leading tryouts. And, yeah, listen to ever boring classes.

        Now its Friday, a beautiful, sunny, yet chilly day. And I'm outside freezing my butt off in a miniskirt.

         Yeah, a red and white mini skirt, thanks to our wonderful school-board who decided to do the usual uniform for cheerleaders. I mean, come on, its Missouri, not California!

         Red and white are Haven View Middles School school colors, and are mascot is the eagle. Apparently, eagles are the colors red and white.

        And strangely enough we have to wear them to tryouts. Not even a game, but tryouts! Next thing you'll know, we'll have to wear them to practices. Although technically I'm not even sure if I'll make it to go to practices. After all, it's tryouts, where you try out to see if you make it on the squad in the first place.

         I'm kneeling, but not with my knees touching the newly cut wet grass. Watching all the other presentations, I'm worried about making it on the team. Besides me is Selena, who was kind enough to try out with me, and Kelly, who was not to be outdone by Selena. It's pretty much a one sided competition between them, because Selena couldn't care less.

         Soon enough its my turn, and I go through all my moves without thinking. I don't have to think, I've gone over them enough for the last few days, thanks to Selena, who made us practice everyday after school.

          After that, Kelly, who I have to say wasn't very good, went, and then Selena skillfully went through her little demonstration.

          "You were really good!" I whisper to her, impressed.

           "I used to take cheer-leading lessons when I was in like 1st grade," she whispers back to me, slightly out of breath from her recent jumps and other moves.

         I nod, engrossed now by Holly's more then overdone exhibition, complete with the splits. She actually messed up a couple times, and I was happy about this, no matter how evil it is to be happy for someone else's shortcomings.

         She deserves it.

         Her followers, who I learned are Lisa, Mia, and a few other nameless girls, also go. Lisa is pretty good, her curly black hair flying in front of her face as she executes perfect jumps. Shes not so great though on landing correctly though, and stumbles a couple of times.

          Thinking about it we must look pretty ridiculous, since pretty much all you can do with one person is jumps and splits and whatever else you can think of, such as dance moves, and gymnastic things. Any onlooker would think were crazy, completing random things on the side of the football field while football tryouts are going on.

          Yeah, you can basically see Holly drooling as her yes follow Josh dominating the field. Not that I would know that hes dominating, since I'm not watching him of course.

         Wow, I'm such a bad liar, even to myself.

          I finally admit to myself that I have a huge crush on him. Why else would I get so tongue tied when hes around? And watch him every chance I get?

         I absent mindlessly pick up a dandelion, and start shredding the yellow top. I hate liking an idiot, but I can't help myself. Hes just so adorable, yet so nice. Nice to everybody, unfortunately, including Holly, who is still continuing to stare at Josh as he tosses the ball back and forth with Jake.

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