Chapter 14

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       Despite what books always seem to say, in gym we don't have to shower or change at all, before of afterwards. We walk in, do what were supposed to, then walk out. Lots of girls bring a change of shoes, of course, since were only allowed to wear tennis shoes during gym class, or any kind of shoe close to that.

        Sometimes, of course, it gets pretty disgusting to wear the same clothes in gym class as all the other classes, and I blame that for some of my classes always smelling like wet socks.

        A few girls actually bring a change of clothes, but how they find time to change before the next class is beyond me.

       We start out running 10 laps around the gym, and then doing some other warm ups. 15 push-ups, 30 jumping jacks, 30 seconds of the plank, and 50 line jumps. Pretty easy, especially after surviving practice yesterday. Which reminds me, I have practice again today. I groan inwardly. It's gonna be another long, hard, grueling practice.

       It's our soccer unit, and we head outside despite the fact many kids are not dressed for the outside weather.

       "You will practice passing with a partner!" Mr. Weiker announces. "And I will choose your partner!"

        That stops the already moving kids going to their friends.

        Mr. Weiker counts us off, starting at the opposite side. I get the number 13, and I go to find the other 13. "What number are you?" I ask pretty much everyone I pass, and soon I find the other 13, which is Aidan.

       Yes, gym class is co-ed. "So, hey Aidan. Guess were partners again."

       "At least it's not for dissecting frogs."

       "True, this is much better. That reminds me though, tomorrow were examining them more! Exciting isn't it," I exclaimed in a falsely cheerful voice.

       "Yeah, sure. Best thing that ever happened." Aidan runs off with the soccer ball, and soon were passing the ball. Back and forth, back and forth.

       "So, um, Christine?"


        "Um, I know this may sound a bit weird, but what does your friend think of me. Selena. I mean, as a friend of course," he adds hastily.

       I grin. "She really likes you! Like, as a friend of course," I tease, knowing very well he wasn't asking about in-a-friend-way, but in-a-crush-way.

       Aidan brightens. "Ok, thanks Christine!"

       "Yep, your welcome! What do you think of her?"

       "Oh, um... promise you won't tell?"

        "Cross my heart."

        "Well, ok. I really, really like her. And not as a friend, you know? She's so nice and funny, and yeah..." He trails off, his cheeks red, and not from the cold.

       "And she's pretty!" I call out, teasing him some more.

        "Yeah that too." Aidan's cheeks becomes an even darker shade of red.

        Lucky, lucky Selena.


       We actually started on the costumes, and Mrs. Frind doesn't seem to like our progress very much. "Holly! Smaller stitches!" Mia! Wrong color! Christine!" I jump, startled, and look down at my work. What did I do wrong?"

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