Chapter 15

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       "Mom!" I cry out. How could she? I know she doesn't know about me and Holly, but that doesn't matter much to me right now. What matters is that my fall break will be miserable.

       "What's wrong? Don't you want to go to New York City with a girl your age?"

       "Well, yeah, but not that girl!"

       A wrinkle appears between my mom's eyebrows. "You know her I take it?"

       "I know her, that's for sure! She insults me every chance she gets, and she stole Kelly away from me!"

        "Oh, I'm sure she's not that bad. She sounds like a nice girl from what Mrs. Lemonts told me. I'm sure you'll get along fabulously," she insisted. Parents can be so clueless sometimes! They just don't understand these things, despite their claims that they do since they used to be our age.

       "Oh, she is definitely that bad!" I lean against the window of our red convertible, with the roof up, and sigh. "She is definitely that bad," I echo, quietly.

        Mom sighs. "Look, there's nothing I can do about it sweetie. We already made the hotel reservations and everything else, so there's no changing it. You'll just have to deal with it, you can survive a week."

        Uh huh, sure I can. But it looks like she won't take any argument, and there's no way to get out of it. So I keep silent and bask in my misery at the though of spending a week in close quarters with Holly.


       In the main area the next day Holly stalks up to me and I brace myself for her to say something about the trip. And I am not disappointed.

        "Hi, loser. Guess what? I'm going to New York City because my mom got a modeling job. I bet you think that your so great, since I heard you went to New York during the summer, but now you see, I'm going there too," she sneers.

        I stare at her. Does she not know that I'm going too?

        "Umm, Holly?"

        "Yes, loser?"

       "You do know that I'm going to, right? Didn't your mom tell you were going to share a room there?"

        Holly gasps. "What the hell are you talking about? Your lying right?"

        I ruefully shake my head no. "Unfortunately I'm not lying. Your mom got a modeling job for my mom's clothing."

       Holly stares at me. "Your mom designed those clothes I loved so much? Ohmigod! Wait no I hate those clothes, they're so ugly!"

       I roll my eyes, and laugh. "Yeah she designed those clothes. She's a fashion designer," I inform her, shrugging.

       "Well, my mom's a model!"

       "Guess what? Mine was too."

       "Oh. Well, my mom's pretty enough to still be a model," She claims, trying to win this stupid dispute over who's mom is better.

        "Mine is too. My mom's just also smart enough to start her own business."

       Holly glares at me. "Yeah, ok, whatever. I can not believe I'm sharing a room with a loser! What was my mom thinking?"

       "Oh, don't worry I hate it too. Except, it wasn't your mom who was in charge of this. My mom is in charge, she's the one who gave your mom the job," I remind her, to put her down a tiny bit.

A Cliche Teenage StoryWhere stories live. Discover now