Chapter 18

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       It's already Friday night. I'm lounging on my bed reading, when I hear Mom come in.

       I look up. "Hey Mom. What's up?"

       "Were going to dinner with the Lemonts at 7 tonight to plan for the trip and to talk about business, so get ready. It's already 6:30, and we need to leave here at 6:50."

        "Mom, could I just please stay here?" I beg, really not wanting to ruin my night by going to dinner with Holly.

        "No. There's going to be some things involving you, don't you want to have a say in that?"

        "No," I answered. "The only thing I want a say in is going to New York with Holly in the first place."

       "Oh, I'm sure she's a perfectly nice girl. Your exaggerating like teenagers tend to do nowadays."

        "No I'm not! Please, do I have to go?"

        "Yes! Now get ready. You have 15 minutes and were eating at a fancy restaurant, so hurry up," My mom informs me, leaving my room.

        Ugh, why do I have to go? I love fancy restaurants and all that(Though I do love burgers), but with Holly? No, then I hate it. I grudgingly get ready, throwing on a dress my mom bought me in New York last time we were there. It's a white full length strapless dress, and I wear it with some gold hoop earrings and a gold colored cuff bracelet.

        By the time I'm finished dressing, we have to leave, and I quickly slip my feet into a pair of black kitten heels.


        I tap my foot under the table, and keep staring at the door. The Lemonts are already ten minutes late, and I'm becoming hungry from all the delicious smells. It's beautiful inside the restaurant, with waiters in suit like things and waitresses in matching skirts and blouses. The circle tables are all adorned with vases of flowers on top of the lace tablecloths. Everybody here is dressed up; not a casual dresser among them. All dresses, skirts, and other formal clothes.

        They finally arrive, 15 minutes late, and I see Holly's mom for the first time. She is ridiculously skinny, and has wavy brown hair and flattering make-up. She is what you considered hot, and compared to her mom, Holly looks ridiculously plain, even with her mask of make-up over her face. Holly must've gotten her looks from her father, whatever he looks like.

       Holly's mom looks overdone though compared to my mother, who has a naturally beautiful look. Mrs. Lemonts has more of a sexy look. She is wearing a clingy red dress, and has tons of accessories.

       My mom rises. "So nice to see you again, Nicole," she greets her.

       Nicole Lemonts smiles. "The pleasure is all mine, Danielle. And is this beautiful girl Christine?"

       Mom smiles. "Yes, this is Christine. And I assume this is Holly?"

       "Yes, it is," Mrs. Lemonts turns to me. "Hi, I'm so glad to meet you Christine. Please call me Nicole."

         "Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Lem- uh Nicole," I replied, not used to calling adults by their first names.

        Mom turns to the brat. "Same goes for you, you may call me Danielle."

       Holly scowls. "Hello, Mrs. Guchini."

        "Oh, no, I insist, you must call me Danielle. Anyways, I'm Ms. Guchini, my husband died a while back."

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