Arc 3 - As Long as we're Together

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I wasn't allowed to leave that hospital room for two weeks. And Angela almost had to drag Mei out of the room every night. Sometimes Angela wasn't enough, so she would call in Genji and Jesse. The only times that I was alone was when everyone was at school and the other Overwatch members were prevented from coming and seeing me. Angela, Mei, and my mom had all agreed that they could meet me at a different time. But I think they were more worried about Reinhardt being "too rough" with me. I had no idea what that meant, but I would either just sit there and think about old times. Although, at night it did get extremely cold for me. I asked Angela about it and all she could say was that she'd have to do testing. She ran an experiment every other night, with the only conclusion that the Cryo-Freeze had messed up my general body heating system, and that basically I just had to bundle up before going to bed. Then I thought about how cold winter was and slowly became relieved as I had been told that temperatures were rising. It was around my second to last day when Mei burst into the room, just getting off from school.

"(Y/n)!" She giggled and walked over to me with a big smile on her face.

"Good afternoon Mei, you seem to be in a happier mood today" I looked in her direction and smiled back at her.

She sat on the bed next to me and began to swing her legs over the edge, "I have a surprise for you" She said giddily.

I was curious, she would always tease me with a 'surprise' but it ended up just being a hug around the neck with a kiss attached. Today felt different, "A surprise? I wonder what it could be" I slightly teased her.

She turned around and stared me in the eyes, "Want a job?"

"W-wait a job? Mei, I appreciate the offer, but I really don't think that a job is going to be the best thing for me"

She sighed and shook her head, "You wouldn't be alone. I can apply to be your coordinator, but you first have to apply to a job"

Now it was making more sense, "Oh, alright. What did you have in mind?"

"Well there are a few!"

"How many is a few in your opinion?"

"I know of three jobs that need filling, so pick a number"


She sighed and giggled, "I meant between one and three"

I smile at her and just pick randomly, "Two"

"Ah! Dish boy!"

"Wait, dish boy?"

"Yeah! We really have a need for one since no one likes doing dishes"

I paused for a moment, "Wait, when you mean 'we', are you talking about Overwatch?"

She was surprised, "I-I didn't think you'd catch on so quickly"

I just give her a soft smile, "There's no harm in trying"

"Yay! I'll go tell Winston right away!" She got up and began to run for the door, before she suddenly turned around, "Forgot something"

She quickly came back to the bedside and I looked at her confused, "What did you forget?" I was soon answered by her lips connecting to mine.

She giggled and left the room, "Be back soon!"

I sat alone for what felt like half an hour, until she finally charged through the doors again, "I'm back!" She rang out.

"How did it go?"

Let me be Your Eyes (Overwatch Mei x Male Blind Reader)Where stories live. Discover now