Arc 4 - The Visitor Nobody Wants

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(Continuing the next day from where Arc 3 ended)

Third Person (P.O.V.)

(Y/n) woke up with the sun in his face and a body lying on top of him. Mei's face was buried into his chest, her hair just a mess as it made her look like the end of a mop. But he didn't mind, this was probably her first vacation ever since joining Overwatch. Although, it was unfortunately short lived. Someone began pounding on the door, but Mei refused to wake up. The pounding continued, and Mei just groaned, wrapping her arms around (Y/n), not wanting to get up.

"Mei, it's time to wake up now"

She groaned again, "I don't wanna... what time is it?"

"It's almost noon"

Mei quickly looks up, making you blush, "N-Noon?!"

The voice from the hallway yells into the room, "MEI-LING ZHOU, GET UP THIS INSTANT!"

Soldier 76's voice seemed to wake everyone else who was still sleeping in the whole base, "C-Coming!" Mei slowly got off (Y/n), putting her glasses on and putting her greasy hair into its usual bun.

Mei opens the door and there stands an impatient 76, "I've been knocking on your door for an hour, can't your boyfriend be good for anything?" He said rhetorically.

Mei resisted the urge to slap the man across, her face getting red, "H-He couldn't get up... what do you want commander?"

"Winston wanted to see you in his lab after his meeting at two, so clean up and bring your cuddle buddy with you" He turned and walked away.

Mei blushed, but sighed as she shut the door to her room, returning to the bed and flopping next to (Y/n), "Winston wants to see us around two..."

"How are you still tired?"

"I kept waking up last night... and I would wake up to see me almost kicking you off the bed. So I pulled you back and lied on top of you after the seventh time waking up..."

"S-Seven times?"

"You're not mad, are you?"

"About kicking me off? Of course not! But you really need to stay up on your sleep..."

Mei had already fallen asleep by the time he finished talking to her. (Y/n) smiles and kisses her head, getting up to stretch. He walks over to the bathroom, as Mei had practically defined her room in great detail, and begins to start the shower letting the water warm up. He closes the door, but notices that the lock was busted. He peaks his head out from the bathroom and looks into the room, trying to hear if Mei was awake or not. The sounds of soft snoring (heavy breathing) comes from the bed. A sigh of relief is made as the water becomes the perfect temperature. (Y/n) slowly strips and gets into the shower, feeling around to close the curtain. His peace lasted for just half of the shower's duration. A sleepy Mei slowly woke up to an alarming screaming at her to get up. With a minor headache, Mei sleepily walked towards her bathroom. She slowly makes her way to the door, resting her head against it. She doesn't hear the shower turn off as she opens the door, without making a single noise. (Y/n) pulls the curtains back and reaches for a towel, which was hanging up near the shower, to put around his waist. He grabs a smaller towel and begins to dry his hair. Mei comes out of her trance and stares forward, blushing as red as a tomato and freezing up. The air seemed to be still, until Mei slowly turned around in an attempt to escape. (Y/n) felt someone's presence as he quickly turned around, grabbing onto one of the rods used for hanging the towels as a support

"W-Who goes there!?"

Mei froze, her escape had almost worked, "N-Now (Y-Y/n), don't be alarmed" She stammered as she slowly turned around.

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