Arc 6 - The End? Or Back to the Beginning?

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Watchpoint: Antarctica was possibly one of the coldest places Mei and (Y/n) had ever been together. (Y/n) still had a colder experience when Mei had out him into Cryo-Freeze to save his life. But the Watchpoint needed more heaters, the scientists would probably ask Winston for more in the next supply drop. But the supply drop had come just a few days ago, so everyone had to huddle around the same heaters when the breeze was getting worse. But Mei had her parka, keeping her warm and able to work. The cold didn't bother (Y/n) much either, but sometimes he would purposefully distract Mei and get to wear her parka with her. (Y/n) had their own parka thanks to Mei, but it was still fun to share Mei's. Today was just another normal day for everyone. Science was being done, tests, and some fun in the snow. Multiple times would snowball fights be held because no one could focus on science for fifteen hours straight while trying not to get hypothermia. It was around noon, rather known as lunch time. Their senses of time had just been replaced with what activity it was. When the sun was up, it was work time. When the sun was down it was research and relax time. With all the meals and fun times in-between. Everyone else had gone out to explore the base some more as they rarely had a need to, while Mei and (Y/n) stayed in the lab, tinkering with their equipment and looking though samples. Well, Mei was at least. (Y/n) sat on the couch reading a science book in brail, giving Mei some information here and there. (Y/n) was only half paying attention to the conversation that they were in; his thoughts surrounded some dark information that he had overheard the scientists talking about. A storm was predicted to be approaching, and that's what the Cryo-Freeze chambers were for. If the storm was as bad as predicted, then the only way that they were going to survive was by freezing themselves and waiting for it to pass. But the scientists were through with being in Overwatch, as they had rigged their own chambers to malfunction, but they didn't want to drag anyone down with them. So, they kept Mei's and (Y/n)'s chambers well kept, acting as if all of the chambers were well kept. (Y/n) had overheard this in a camp game of hide-n-seek, as they took the time Mei was it to rig the chambers. (Y/n) was hidden on the floor above them, trying to hide behind a lard pillar like tube of what was supposedly the Cryo-Freeze solution. He snapped out of his thoughts as Mei stomped over to him.

"Hello? Are you there?"

"A-Ah! Sorry about that, I suppose that I had gotten lost in thought..."

"What are you thinking about?" Mei sat down next to him and clasped her hands around his left hand.

"I don't know... just thinking I guess" He gave off a nervous chuckle.

"Well I think that I'm going to relax for a little bit" Mei smiled up at him and rested her head onto his lap.

He ran his hand through her hair and she pushed her cheek against his hand, "You ok?"

"Yeah... just didn't get the best night of sleep, you know?"

"I'm sorry to hear that" He scratched the back of his head. The past night was his turn to be on guard duty. Talon wasn't as active anymore, but they still enjoyed trying to invade bases to obtain information.

"Tonight, is going to be better, right?"

"It should be" He smiled down at her, "It's been pretty peaceful today"

As the sun finally began moving towards the distant horizon, everyone came back to base, getting ready for evening activities. The predicted storm was finally beginning to hit, and everyone began to get storm defenses ready. But after people looked around, the storm was getting worse and one of the scientists had not returned from the south side of the base. Panic slowly began to rise in people as they talked about evacuating to the Cryo-Freeze building, activating the defenses and seeing how that happened. (Y/n) reached into his pocket and pulled out his headband, solely volunteering to go search for the missing scientist. Mei tried to stop him, but he ran off into the storm. Mei helped coordinate the evacuation to the Cryo-Freeze chambers and sent out an S.O.S. message back to the main base, hoping that it would help with anything. (Y/n) ran through the snow, the breeze knocking him off of his feet sometimes, but he was determined. After many minutes of searching the south building, there was no sign of the missing scientist. The cold had started affecting his body, but he had to make his way back to the others. Unfortunately, he couldn't make it, as he fell down onto his knees and curled up in the snow. Time was flying by and the storm was only getting worse. (Y/n) still hadn't come back and everyone was beginning to get worried.

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