Arc 5 - Gone Shopping

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(A few days after the events of Arc 4)

(Y/n) woke up with his face squished up against a pillow. Funny, he had thought that he and Mei had passed out watching a movie together. He blinked his eyes and pinched his cheek, making sure that he wasn't still dreaming. Blind? Check. Blindfold? Check. Mei? Nowhere to be found. Even after calling her name out so that only the small apartment could retain the noise, all he was answered with was silence. The boy picked up a blanket that he and Mei had shared the previous night and wrapped it around himself. It still smelled like her, rather than the two of them. He sat on the couch and faced forward, time seemed to slow down to where a minute was really five seconds. He remembered that one of the remotes for the T.V. would be on the coffee table in front of the couch, but instead of a remote control he found a small note with multiple holes in it. It felt like brail but written sloppily, as if Mei wrote it in a hurry. "Good morning! I just want to let you know that Hana came by early today and asked me to go shopping! I know I'm not supposed to leave you, but I hope to find some cool stuff for us while I'm out! Just to be safe, don't leave the room and don't make many loud noises. Love you!" As the note came to an end, all (Y/n) did was sit there. Dumbfounded and confused. Hana... the name rang a bell, but he couldn't put the pieces together. Hana... Hana... Hana... Oh! That's right, Hana Song, a good friend of Mei's and spends way too much time in video game shops or her room. Mei tried to keep the fact about his blindness away from people, and she was pretty good at it. The people who knew kept their mouths shut and they were content. Although Mei was more scared of (Y/n)'s mother. Over protected wasn't a word that could be used for her, she was basically the true definition of a "Mama Bear". (Y/n) just sat there until the silence was driving him to the ends of insanity. He wasn't mad that Mei had left him all alone, he was upset that he couldn't remember where his books were. Sure, Mei had a multitude of science books that he would love to explore upon, but none of them were in brail. The boy lied back down on the couch and pulled Mei's blanket back over him. Boredom was possibly the only disease he could never get rid of. Sleep wasn't an option, he was wide awake and there was nothing to do. After more minutes of just lying there by himself, he finally decided that searching for his books would at least give him something to do. Minutes go by and countless places were searched. That was, until he remembered that the books were in Mei's bag. He quickly rushed to the room he and Mei shared and fell to the floor, searching for the bag that she always had on her. Once realizing which bag, it was, he quickly gave up on finding his precious books. He slowly made his way back to the couch, lying down and wrapping the blanket around him once again.

"I wish Mei would just get back here soon..."

(To Mei and Hana)

"Mei! Mei! Look at what I found!" Hana waved her finger in front of a game store.

"Hana don't you already have one of those?" Mei looked down at the price tag and felt a hole in her wallet forming.

"Of course, I have one!" Hana pulls out a game device from her pocket, (Resembling a 3DS) "I was thinking that you should get one!"

"Hana... every time I come out shopping with you, it seems that all we do is use up all the money I make" Mei pouts, wanting the game device but not wanting to waste more money.

"I can pay for half! Besides, you already bought yourself a coffee and I did not make you buy that"

Mei sighs, giving into Hana's wants, "Fine... let's go buy it. But we really need to get back to base"

"You spend all of your time locked in your room... you've become a mini me, but I know that you're not playing games. So, what exactly are you doing in there?" Hana gives Mei a suspicious look.

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