Arc 7.5 - Moments Alone

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(Suggestive themes and a lemon ahead. If you aren't 18+, proceed at your own cost. The next chapter will be a full chapter)

Third P.O.V.

After chasing the team from Talon off, the group was able to return back to the main base. (Y/n) and Mei were the first ones off to leave, followed by the brothers who wanted to go spar, leaving Angela and Jessie to go back and report to Winston. Mei let herself rest on the couch, littered with blankets from the many nights that they fell asleep watching a movie. (Y/n) had already gone off to take a shower, the hot water hitting his body and washing the blood away. The cuts hurt, the hot water making them sting more. Mercy could only heal him so much before his body just needed to heal on its own. (Y/n) leaned against the wall of the shower, letting his body lean outside of the spray of the hot water. His head rested against the wall and he closed his eyes, letting himself get lost in the fog the hot water created.

"(Y-Y/n)?" Mei's soft voice pierced through the silence, (Y/n) pulled himself back up from the wall and turned his head towards the door.

"Mei...? What's wrong?" a confused look made it onto his face as he stood there, the shower curtain hiding him away as the door to the bathroom opened softly.

"I'm... coming in" the sound of her voice got closer with every step she took towards the shower. (Y/n)'s face began to turn red from blushing, his body turning around as her last footstep ended right outside of the shower.

"I-I'm not looking" (Y/n) was able to get out before going completely quiet. Mei had walked up to the shower wearing a towel, the sound of it dropping to the floor as she stepped into the shower beside him.

"You don't have anything to worry about, my love" her voice was shy as the words slipped out of her mouth, her bare arms snaking around his body slowly and carefully. Mei pressed her chest into (Y/n)'s back, her head resting on him at last as the nervous air settled.

"Mei...? Is, is everything okay?" He refused to turn around, not wanting anything to happen that could end up horribly.

"I'm perfect now" Mei giggled softly and gave a relaxing sigh as the hot water began to clean her as well. "You can share the water with me (Y/n), we're here for the same reason" her giggled echoed in his mind as she pulled him back into the stream of water.

He sighed, turning slightly in her arms so that he could continue what he was meaning to do in the first place. Mei turned her back to him, a smile resting on her face as she shyly asked him to help wash her back. She held her hair to her shoulders, giving him the room to help wash her. The blush plastered on his face seemed to be like a stain as he couldn't get it to go away. His hands washed down her body, she wiggled her body slightly as his hands neared her sides, her cheeks starting to turn redder as his hands reached her lower back. His hands began to travel back up her body as he continued cleaning.

"Is this okay?" (Y/n) was a little confused of why she was acting like this, but for being together for so long he didn't need his bandana to see the outline of his love. Mei gave a soft nod, his hands continuing to slide up her back and onto her shoulders. Mei let her hair fall as her hands slid up the front of her body, resting on top of (Y/n)'s.

"Hey... I love you" (Y/n)'s voice carried softly to her ears as he leaned the top of his body forwards, wrapping his arms around her and resting his head atop of her neck.

"I love you too" Mei chirped up as her arms rested atop of (Y/n)'s. Her head turned to the side as she softly kissed his nose. He softly squeezed her and spun her around, their lips meeting and Mei pulled his body closer to her. Their bodies pressed against each other as her hand raised up and rested against his jaw line. (Y/n)'s body beginning to react to their actions, they parted for a moment as heavy breathing covered the noise of the water hitting the bathtub floor.

"Lets... dry off first" Mei's cheeks seemed to be a permanent pink, a dreamy haze covering her eyes as she physically couldn't remove her hand from his chin, even after what she said. He smiled and leaned up to kiss her forehead, a free hand reaching down to turn the water off. Mei pulls the curtain back and steps out of the bathtub, picking her towel back up to begin drying her body. (Y/n) followed behind her, reaching over for where his towel had been hanging up. The two stood in silence, neither of them had expected this outcome, but welcomed it anyways. (Y/n) dropped his towel to the ground, Mei tossing hers atop of his as she took ahold of his arm and began to pull on it. Their small on-base apartment like room was dark as Mei pulled them towards the open bedroom door. She had cleaned up the living room, the once messy couch now back to normal and the blankets returned to their rightful places. (Y/n) softly shut the door behind them, teasingly pushing Mei backwards onto the bed.

"Are you sure?" His words hung in the air as time seemed to stand still between the two of them. In all honesty, he wasn't expecting a response.

"I'm sure" Her voice broke the tension in the room as she sprawled herself out on the bed, running her head into one of the blankets to hide the blush that refused to leave her alone. (Y/n) approached the bed carefully, Mei sat up just to take his hand in hers and pull him down. They turn onto their sides as she stares into his blank eyes. The smiles on their faces grew more content as their bodies drew closer to one another. His arms wrapped around her once more, one of her arms wrapping around his neck and the free hand resting against his jaw line. Their lips clashing as soft moans reverberated through their kisses. His tongue softly brushing against her lips, her tongue fought back and forced itself into his mouth. His hands began to travel in different directions, one hand sliding up her smooth body and playing softly with her hair. Softly at first, grabbing the roots of her hair and pulling her head away for them to breathe. His other hand sliding down her back towards her ass, cupping it and giving it a squeeze. Her eyes were closed in bliss, her entire body moving with her breathing. His own body had already begun reacting to their activities, his member pressing against her thigh letting her know that it was time. Her eyes slowly opened as she began to force herself up onto her knees, surprising him as her legs ended on either side of him.

"You're blind, this will be better if it's like this~" she leaned down and whispered into his ear sweetly, biting the lobe before pulling away and taking a deep breath. Carefully taking his hands, she placed them on her hips, resting her hands on his chest. His face had been coated in a deep red, as her face was beginning to mimic his. She lowered herself softly at first, his erect member teasing her entrance. She closed her eyes and shoved him in, yelping as she straightened her body up from the pain and the euphoria.

"A-Are you okay?!" he pushed his body up, taking one hand away from her hips to prop himself up against her. At first her breathes were shaky, her hands holding onto his shoulders as their foreheads pressed against each other. The pain began to subside, her breathing become more stable as her arms snaked around his neck.

"It's better now" she kissed him passionately, his arms wrapping around her as their bodies worked with each other. Her hips rotating in circles, grinding on him while he slowly pushed into her. Their kissing slowly became more and more sparse as the room was full of moaning from the two of them. Their bodies working in succession as they pushed into each other taking turns it felt like.

"I-I'm getting close~" he moaned into her ear as they went on, he could feel her body trembling against him as she moaned in response.

"I-Its fine! Its fine" her moans lined up with his as her legs had tightened around him. Their bodies intertwined with each other in a messy knot. (Y/n) let out one last moan, releasing into his love as her walls tightened around his member. The two fell onto their sides, panting in unison, (Y/n)'s hand resting on Mei's cheek as she nuzzled into it. Her damp hair sprawled out on the blanket beneath them.

"Looks like we'll have to do laundry sooner than we expected..." (Y/n) chuckled softly, his body feeling fatigued but relaxed as Mei pulled herself closer to him gently. Her arms wrapping around his chest as their bodies squished together.

"We can take care of that later... I think we should go again~"

(Y/n) doesn't disagree with her as their lips meet one another once again. The concept of time was long on them, all they knew was it was night when they started. And it was morning when they could open their eyes again. They had separated sometime before passing out, Mei had wrapped herself in her favorite blanket, and (Y/n) had pulled her as close as he possibly could. The stress from their mission had dissipated, leaving them to their peace once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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