Chapter One

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"Claire sweety, hi," Jazmine called in excitement and spun the little girl around in her arms. Claire squealed loudly, hugging Jazmine's neck. Everyone was outside playing soccer and Jazmine had been so excited to see Claire.

"Jaz." She cheered and clapped her hands off Jazmine's neck.

"How are you, did you draw a picture?" Jazmine asked with a small smile. She lifted Claire onto her hip and picked up the page.

"Yeah, it's me and you and Paul." Jazmine smiled and put the page down before tickling Claire's side making her squeal.

"Jeez, who's murdering a cat?" Quil asked and Jazmine laughed. Claire hid her face at the sound of Quil, she was shy around strangers.

"I was just tickling Claire." Jazmine defended and Claire giggled.

"Claire is?" Quil asked and Jazmine realized this is the first time Quil would've met Claire.

"Emily's niece. Isn't she cute?" Jazmine held Claire up and she beamed at Quil who froze in place.

"Dude, you didn't," Jazmine whispered. Quil stepped closer, his mouth agape.

"That's so wrong. Like on every level." Jazmine pulled Claire closer to her chest to hide her.

"What's wrong?" Embry asked in bewilderment. He looked over at Jazmine who was staring at Quil in horror and Quil who was staring at Jazmine like she had personally hung the Sun.

"You did not imprint on Jazmine," Embry yelled. It took barely two seconds for the door to burst open and Paul to be standing there breathing heavy.

"Tell me I didn't hear what I thought I heard," Paul asked, coming to stand in front of his girlfriend.

"No, Paul. Quil imprinted on Claire." Jazmine said in disgust. In seconds everyone had crowded into the house to stand between Jazmine and Quil.

"It's not like that. I don't feel the same for her as all of you feel. I just feel protective. I want to care for her, like a brother!" Quil insisted.

"It's a good thing we don't age." Sam breathed.


"Would've been considerate of them to clue us in, you know in case we needed to be there," Jazmine growled and pushed her wolf faster. The pack ignored her sarcasm and pushed their speed to the limit.

Leah and Jazmine had pulled out in front, Jazmine being the fastest and Leah being the most determined to catch the red-head.

"Now Jazmine!" Sam ordered and Jazmine launched herself at the red-head and missed by an inch. Her attack was quickly followed by the red-head jumping the river into the Cullen's territory.

Jazmine shook out her fur before taking off again, bypassing everyone to lead the pack. She ran faster than the pack because she's smaller but it was also just her. She was fast.

The red-head jumped and Jazmine dove for her hoping to catch her off guard. It was only when she missed did she realize the repercussions. She over-shot just slightly and ended up catapulting onto the Cullen's territory.

The next few seconds were a blur. Jazmine collided with the biggest of the Cullen's who flashed back up before she could and stood over her growling with mad eyes which meant Paul jumped to her defense and had like a growl off with him.

"Emmett, that's enough." The doctor said softly and the big guy, Emmett turned to him.

"He came onto our territory." Emmett snapped.

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