Chapter Five

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"Does Paul know you're crossing the border?" Embry teased and Jazmine scoffed.

"Paul doesn't control me. I'm just coming to make sure you guys don't hassle Esme." Jazmine rolled her eyes. She hadn't even mentioned it to Paul.

"So that's a no?" Embry asked and she shoved his shoulder as they bounded up the steps behind Jacob.

"That's a keep your mouth shut plus I have a 'get out of jail free' card." She snapped and stepped up beside Jacob when he was confronted by Bella. She watched over Bella's shoulder and took stock of who she could see.

Jazmine looked around at the party before making her way towards Esme and pulling the woman into a hug.

"It's good to see you," Jazmine told Esme who smiled widely.

"You too Jazmine. How's Paul and..." Esme hesitated but Jazmine smiled. She had no problem talking about it anymore.

"Paul is going to be mad as hell when he finds out I'm here but he's good. Becks is doing well and so is her baby." Jazmine assured Esme who smiled happily. The pair stood talking for a while and Esme told her about the house. It was clear to see she was very passionate about her work.

"Esme love, Alice has seen something."


"They'll be here in four days," Alice said and Jazmine stood on Jake's right with Embry on his left.

"This could turn into a bloodbath," Carlisle muttered and leaned against a table in his office. Downstairs the humans partied on like their lives weren't at risk.

"Who's behind it?" Edward asked. He was leaned on the same table as Carlisle with Bella's hand clutched in his.

"I didn't see anyone I recognized." She shook her head. "Maybe one."

"I know his face. He's local, Riley Biers. He didn't start this." Edward sighed and shook his head at the thought.

"Well, whoever did is staying out of the action." Alice shrugged.

"They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision." Carlisle ducked his head and inhaled deeply in annoyance.

"Either way, the army is coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town." At that, the three wolves looked up in shock.

"Hold up, what damn army?" Jacob asked in annoyance.

"Newborns, our kind." Carlisle sighed when no one else would volunteer information.

"What are they after?" Embry asked.

"They were passing around Bella's scent, a red blouse."

Well, that's just fabulous. Now we have to get involved because she can't cut Jake loose.

Jazmine winced when Edward turned to glare at her. She returned it just as strong, her family was being pulled into the thick of a war that was nothing to do with them.

"They're after Bella, what the hell does this mean?" Jacob asked and Jazmine was left wondering why he hadn't taken the alpha role. He would be suited to it.

"It means an ugly fight, with lives lost," Carlisle told him and Jacob turned to look at Embry and Jazmine. Jazmine sighed but nodded along with Embry.

"All right, we're in." He promised and like that the deal was made. Jazmine, Embry, and Jacob would lure their brothers into a war for the sake of their people.

Jazmine was in no way fighting for Bella.

"No, you'll get yourself killed, no way." Bella interrupted and Jazmine bit the inside of her cheek to keep her mouth shut. It wasn't like she cared, she was all about death these days.

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