Chapter Eight

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Jazmine stayed focused on the scent of her pack as she stood to Sam's left. Paul was on her right and he pressed tight against her. She watched Jacob argue with Bella through Seth and her blood boiled when she watched them kiss. She ignored it, pushing all the irrational anger from her body.

Think anyone would notice if I took a chunk out of one of the Cullen's?

Leah's joke made a few members laugh low in their throats but Jazmine turned to snarl at her when the vampire she pictured was Esme.

This isn't a time for games. Stay focused or you'll get someone killed.

Leah bristled at the order and growled at Jazmine which led to Paul bearing his teeth.

You watch yourself, Leah, we have a job to do. Try not to get in the way.

Doesn't it bother you that your girlfriend is friendly with vampires?

What is your problem?

Jazmine turned in place to face Leah who stood behind her. She had been making comments the whole day, pushing herself at training until she made sure everyone knew she was superior.

Jazmine watched Leah replay the time she pinned Jazmine during training and then she realized.

We stand in the order we phased. I'm on his left because I'm the third to phase.

So you get to be third in command even though you're physically inferior to other members?

Actually, Jazmine stands on my left for the same reason Jared stands on my right. I'm physically strongest and alpha. Jared plans attacks and Jazmine is who I look to for advice.

Leah shut up after that and everyone went back to watching the field. The Cullen's were stood together, each mate holding hands. Jacob joined the group and Jazmine forced herself to breathe and ran over the instructions once more in her mind.

Don't let them get behind you. They're slaves to their instincts, easy to beat when you think. Don't let them get behind you. They're slaves to their instincts, easy to beat when you think.

And then they were here. Sam waited for Jasper's signal before the pack split and launched out into the clearing. Jazmine came down on a female and tore her head from her shoulders before tossing it aside.

She made sure to keep it far away from the body, scattering the pieces widely so that it couldn't fix itself anytime soon. She pushed forward and found Esme struggling with a male.

Jazmine made eye contact with Esme before taking into a run and leaping high. Esme threw the male and Jazmine caught him in her teeth, tearing him in half.

She rushed forward to help Alice but Paul got there first so she cast a glance around the field trying to find where she was needed. Sam was holding his own against two but it was close so she took one from him, tearing his arms off before pulling his head from his neck.

Jazmine watched the red-headed bloodsucker through Seth's mind and made sure they were coping okay before launching back into battle.

She struggled with a large male but Rosalie gave her a hand and they made quick work of him together. In just over twenty minutes they had finished off all the newborns and were helping to round up the pieces to a bonfire.

Jazmine was watching a small newborn out of the corner of her eye but the Cullen's had decided to keep her so apparently she wasn't a threat.

Edward and Seth were just finishing up, he was injured but he'd be fine. Everyone was okay and Jazmine felt the stress on her chest lift and she could finally breathe.

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