Chapter Four

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Jazmine spent most of her time away from the house. She had seen Paul in passing but he respected her need for some space and she took advantage of that and used it as an excuse to avoid him.

She spent a lot of her time patrolling whether it was as a wolf or outside Bella's house. It was because of this she got to know Esme very well. Esme was the kind of woman who talked until Jazmine answered and it was very hard not to trust her. When Jazmine eventually gave into her stupid questions she ended up telling Esme the whole story. 

Esme didn't think badly of Jazmine for how she reacted but she did think that Rebekah and Jazmine needed a fresh start because two things were guaranteed. Rebekah was having Paul's baby and Paul and Jazmine were soulmates. Jazmine needed to find the middle ground and accept that Paul was having a child. It wouldn't do anyone any good to try and make him choose between them.

It was for that reason Jazmine found herself standing outside the Littlesea household. She knocked on the door and listened to the sound of feet rushing to the door. Collin, Rebekah's younger brother, answered the door with a wide smile that dropped as soon as he spotted her.

"Jazmine, what are you doing here?" He asked in shock.

"I was wondering if I could talk to your sister, just for a minute," Jazmine asked softly and Collin nodded.

"Becks, Jazmine Black is here to see you!" Collin yelled and Rebekah padded barefoot out into the hall with a towel wrapped around her head.

"Jazmine?" Rebekah asked in shock and Jazmine waved softly.

"Hye, can we talk?" Jazmine asked and Rebekah nodded and waved her into the living room and got rid of Collin.

"Jazmine, if this is about Paul then I-" Rebekah was cut off when Jazmine shook her head.

"No, actually can we just forget Paul for like two minutes?" Jazmine asked and Rebekah nodded mutely.

"I was wondering if we could start over? I don't think it's healthy for anyone for us to be on bad terms. You need to avoid stress and it's taking a lot from Paul, having to go between us like the way he is." Jazmine frowned. Rebekah stared at her with wide eyes before shaking her head, as if to clear it.

"Yeah, I mean, why? I got with your boyfriend like two days after you guys broke up." Rebekah said and Jazmine nodded.

"Yeah but there was no reason you shouldn't have. That was on him. We weren't friends, you weren't obligated by any girl codes to not get with him. It shouldn't affect our relationship. I feel like we're going to be spending a lot of time together."  Jazmine laughed.

"I can't believe this is happening, I thought you'd be pissed off forever." Rebekah laughed nervously and Jazmine shrugged.

"I won't get in the way of the only child Paul will ever have." Jazmine insisted and Rebekah's jaw dropped.

"You don't want kids?" Rebekah asked in shock.

"I want kids so bad but I'm not able to have them. A few months ago I got sick and nothing has been the same since." Jazmine said softly and Rebekah surprised her by pulling her into a hug.

"Jazmine that's terrible," Rebekah whispered and Jazmine smiled gently.

"It's okay. I've come to peace with it and now I've come to peace with you and Paul having a child together. If you need anything, extra time with Paul, a ride to any appointments, anything, you let me know Rebekah." Jazmine promised and hugged the girl tighter.


"Becks says you two had a talk today," Paul said. He was shocked to see her when he came in from patrol. Jazmine was washing dishes and looking out the window.

"It was long overdue. I can't hold this against her and I came to terms with that yesterday. It's also not fair that I've been taking my anger out on you. When you got with her I had broken up with you, that's on me." Jazmine turned to face Paul with a small smile.

"Baby, I understand if this bothers you. It can't be easy." Paul said softly and Jazmine shrugged.

"I won't get in between you and your first child. Your only child." Jazmine promised and then she was in Paul's arm and he was hugging her tightly.

"I love you, I love you so much." He whispered quietly and Jazmine smiled happily, hugging him as tight as she could.

"I love you too baby, no matter what happens," Jazmine promised. She kissed his cheek and smiled when he let her back down onto her feet.

"Now, I've got patrol but later I'll make dinner and we'll watch a movie," Jazmine promised.

"No, I just swapped over with Jared," Paul said in confusion.

"I know, but Esme wanted to know how things went today, she's the one who convinced me to talk to you." Jazmine hugged him again before leaving and making her way to Forks.

"Well, how did your talk go?" Esme asked. Jazmine shrugged and leaned against a tree. She was still wary of vampires but she had to admit, Esme was tolerable.

"I talked to her and we agreed to be more civil. It made Paul happy at least and that's all that mattered to me." Jazmine sighed and Esme smiled softly.

"It makes going home a lot easier to know you aren't struggling with this," Esme said and Jazmine furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why would it bother you?" Jazmine asked.

"My family tell me I care too much. I can't help it, I've always cared more than I have had reason to. Your situation has kept me occupied for days, I just wanted to help you with it. I try to mother everyone and I know you don't want that but I don't exactly have an off switch." Esme sighed.

"I didn't realize you cared," Jazmine said.

"I do, very much so," Esme promised and Jazmine smiled softly.

"I appreciate it. Plus, the mothering thing, it's not bad to care. Don't let anyone tell you that you care too much. There are too many people who don't care enough."

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