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Jazmine was sitting on the kitchen counter in Sam's with one knee drawn up to her chest and one leg swinging slightly. Rachel and Embry were sitting at the kitchen table with huge smiles. She was sitting on his lap and they were whispering quietly to each other.

Kim sat next to them, talking with Emily and Sam about making muffins for something Kim was organizing.

She could hear Quil and Claire in the next room and Seth was playing soccer with Leah, Collin, and Brady out the back.

Jazmine was thumbing through a bridal magazine that Emily had given to her. She had a vague sort of an idea of what she wanted her dress to look like but nothing jumped out at her from the magazine.

Everyone was calm and quiet until Paul and Jared bust in the front door in a panic.

"Jazmine, Jacob is gone." Paul gasped and everyone in the room began to panic but Jazmine only closed her magazine and looked up calmly.

"He got his invitation then?" Jazmine presumed and Paul nodded, a bit thrown by her reaction.

"Where did he go?" Rachel asked in a panic and the pair shrugged.

"He must have had some destination in mind." Sam insisted but Jazmine only rolled her eyes.

"He's heading as far from civilization as he can get. He need's a break. The boy is mentally exhausted and getting a wedding invitation from the girl he's madly in love with just pushed him over the edge." Jazmine explained.

"You knew he was going to do this?" Rachel asked and Jazmine nodded.

"Of course I did. I suggested it. Jake feels left out. Quil has imprinted, Embry has imprinted and he's struggling to feel like he's wanted. He needs this. Leave him be, anyone who bothers him deals with me." Jazmine warned and Sam sighed.

"You're sure this is the right thing?" He asked and Jazmine nodded leading to Sam sending Paul and Jared back to patrol.

"How's your Dad going to take this?" Embry asked Rachel. "You know, being without a helping hand?"

Rachel still hadn't decided on what she'd be doing in September but Jazmine figured she wouldn't be going too far and the look in Rachel's eye let her know she was right.

"I guess I'll have to stick around then, won't I?" Rachel asked and Embry smiled happily, tightening his arm around her.

Jazmine smiled at her sister and hopped off the counter. She gave everyone a smile before leaving the house. She walked slowly, unsure of her destination until she was standing on top of the cliff they usually jumped off.

She looked out over the waves and smiled to herself. It was days like today that she missed her mother most. The days when everything worked out the way it was supposed to.

Rebecca was home with her husband and she was spending the day introducing him to La Push. Rachel was happy with Embry and Jazmine was so content in life that she felt like she was bursting with happiness.

Jacob was struggling but he'd find his way. It was just like her mother had always said.

 If it's meant to be, it will be.

She took a deep breath and tilted her face back to the Sun letting it shine on her face. She was barely listening but she turned at the sound of the trees parting and smiled when she saw Paul but he wasn't smiling.

"He's gone. My dad's gone." Paul whispered and Jazmine felt her heart break.

"What do you mean?" Jazmine asked, catching him when he fell forward.

"He took his own life because he felt guilty for cutting the breaks on the truck when he was drunk." Paul cried and Jazmine thought back to that night. The smell that had made her nervous was the scent of Mojag. She should've known.

"Oh fuck," Jazmine whispered as the weight of what had happened crashed down on her.

Lol did I say this book was going to be long? Yikes, shortest one yet but took me the longest to write. So I'm putting all of Breaking Dawn into one book which I will start today and hopefully finish sometime this month. I hope everyone is enjoying Jazmine's journey. Any idea on who's side she'll take in BD? Because if you have let me know, I've no idea so far. 


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