Chapter Two

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Jazmine hopped out of the truck and smiled at Jacob who rolled the bike in behind her. Bella was walking behind him hesitantly and offered a smile to Jazmine.

"Oh, we aren't friends now. I just love riling up your leech." Jazmine grinned and made her way up to Paul who was waiting on the porch.

"Hiya baby." She hummed and kissed his cheek. Paul wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close, looking her over.

"Any trouble?" He asked, eyes on Bella. Jazmine rolled her eyes and looked over at Bella who was watching the pair.

"Plenty, leech didn't tell Bella what happened. He's now in the dog house." Jazmine laughed. She seemed bitter and she knew she probably was but she didn't care. They had taken everything from her.

"We've never given her a reason to hate us," Bella muttered in annoyance and Jazmine leaned her elbows on the porch railing and stared at Bella. The girl bothered her in a way that only two other people had ever bothered her before. One of them being Jenna Fuller and the other, Rebekah Littlesea.

"How do you think wolves came to be?" Jazmine asked sarcastically. She knew Bella knew this because Jacob had told her the legends, she was just being oblivious.

"Do you think we just sprouted fur for the fun?" Leah asked and took her place beside Jazmine. The pair had only grown closer in the last few months, being the only girls. They bared the weight of their problems together.

"The gene was triggered by bloodsuckers. Your one's. " Jazmine snapped and made her way inside. She shook out her arms and took deep breaths to control her anger. She couldn't phase in the middle of Emily's house. She's be skinned and made into a fancy rug.

The others passed their way outside and Jazmine went in search knowing that Emily would have left us some. The boys were currently teasing Jake and Jazmine snorted.

Her brother loved the biggest bitch in the world.


Jazmine was sitting on the counter in Emily's house and struggled to stay awake. She had run two patrols in a row because Jared had to mind Kim who had a stomach bug.

"You look tired." Jacob frowned and made his way into the kitchen with Bella.

"You look ugly." Jazmine retaliated. Bella laughed and Jazmine rolled her eyes.

"Don't laugh at my jokes." Jazmine closed her eyes and rested her head against the cupboard.

"Why don't you just go home?" Jacob asked.

"Paul is planning a date night. Which means his mom is cooking dinner and he's wasting money on roses which he'll just tear the petals out of to make a path to the bed." Jazmine laughed and Jacob groaned.

"Didn't need to know what you'd be doing tonight but thanks." Jacob sighed. Bella laughed again.

"Be safe." She warned and Jazmine's eyes snapped open. Jacob's mouth fell open and Bella looked between the two in bewilderment.

"It's a joke. I was an unplanned pregnancy. I've got nothing against young mothers." Bella was trying to backtrack but she was only digging a hole.

"Bella, stop." Jacob sighed and Jazmine surprised herself by not yelling. She didn't even shake, she just cried.

"What did I do?" Bella asked.

"Jazmine hasn't, you know since she phased," Jacob said awkwardly.

"Had a kid?" Bella asked.

"Had a period you idiot." Leah snapped when she entered the kitchen. She made her way towards Jazmine and wrapped her in a tight hug.

"C'mon, you're just tired." Leah sighed and Jazmine nodded. She sniffed and tried to control herself, leaning over to answer the house phone.

"Uley residence." She covered the receiver and cleared her throat.

"I knew I could feel it, why are you crying?" Paul asked softly.

"I'm just really tired and it all hit me at once." Jazmine lied and Paul clicked his tongue.

"You'll tell me later, right?" Paul asked and Jazmine smiled.

"I promise, I love you."

"I love you more baby."

"I love you most."


"Baby, I refuse to jump to conclusions. So please give me a logical explanation as to why Rebekah Littlesea is standing at my front door." Jazmine was looking out her bedroom window at the girl, keeping out of sight. More fo Rebekah's benefit than her own.

"She's what?" Paul asked in shock. He was over at Sam's right now and Jazmine could hear him standing up.

"Standing at our door, knocking rather insistently," Jazmine added and Paul swore.

"Paul, patrol." Sam reminded him. He swore into the receiver and Jazmine sighed.

"It's okay, I've got this." She sighed and hung up before Paul could interrupt. She made her way down and opened her front door.

"Oh, is Paul here?" Rebekah asked as if she wasn't expecting Jazmine.

"Nope, he's busy." Jazmine smiled sweetly, one hand clutching the doorknob and the other behind her back.

"Well, it's important I speak to him." Rebekah smiled and looked over Jazmine's shoulder.

"Well you should call him, he isn't here and won't be for about six hours." Jazmine smiled sweetly. She froze and looked over her shoulder when her back door opened. Embry stepped in silently and she rolled her eyes knowing Paul had sent him to keep her calm.

"Look, I know you don't like me but it's important," Rebekah stressed and Jazmine began to growl quietly.

"I can pass a message on, he really isn't here." Jazmine rolled her eyes and Rebekah paled.

"You wouldn't like the message," Rebekah said.

"I'm gonna shut this door in your face in five, four, three, two-"

"I'm pregnant." Jazmine slammed the door anyway but flung it back open when the words registered.

"Why would you want to tell Paul?" Jazmine asked.

"Because I'm seven months pregnant." Rebekah insisted and Jazmine froze. She listened as closely as possible and gasped, there were four heart beats. Hers, Embry's, Rebekah's and her baby.

"You don't look seven months pregnant." Jazmine choked out.

"I'm a small girl, my bump is tiny." Rebekah lifted her jumper to show Jazmine that she did, in fact, have a bump.

"Please leave," Jazmine begged and shut the door in Rebekah's face. She turned to Embry who opened his arms for her and she accepted his hug.

"I'm going to chop his fucking dick off." Jazmine sobbed.

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