Ch.17 aftermath

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    Alex felt his head grow numb as he rolled over onto his side. Vera laid unconscious and bleeding. Alex knew that if he let himself fall asleep Vera would die, and he probably would too. He lifted his arm and extended his claws before bringing them down and stabbing them into his own chest. The sudden pain cleared his vision and he took the opportunity to try to stand up. Everything was spinning but it soon slowed enough for him to focus on his task. he got underneath her, lifting her head onto his shoulders, and dragged her away from the river and up the river bed. she was really heavy and no ordinary human would have been able to carry her, but Alex was no ordinary man, and he was only made stronger by his determination and fear. He moved from the riverbed and into a creek that led away from the river. Every small twig, branch or rock acted as a great obstacle as he fought to keep his balance through the dizziness of exhaustion.   He carried her farther and farther, his muscles burning in his abs and arms, and a growing weakness in his legs. The creek bed was lined with steep walls of dirt on both sides about seven feet tall and as he looked farther down, he could see a huge tree where its roots were hanging off the edge of the wall like stilts, holding the rest of the tree up off the ground. past the thick wall of roots seemed to be an opening under the tree, Alex wondered if it would be enough shelter to protect them. He slowly made his way over to it. As he stepped under the first of the roots he tripped and sent both him and Vera tumbling to the ground. He rolled her off of him and crawled deeper in before turning around and dragging her in too. Under the tree was a roomy opening with plenty of space for the both of them. The roots surrounding the inside were thick and there were many of them, inter tangled with each other like bars in a prison cell and there were enough of them that they were almost invisible from the outside. He let her down and tried to make her as comfortable as possible as he pulled off his backpack. It was wet and dark inside and the only light came from in between the roots, even so, he stayed farther to the back as to stay out of sight from predators. He unzipped his backpack, which to his surprise was almost completely dry on the inside, and pulled out the medical supplies. He could help her now that they were safe. He pulled out a small bottle of alcohol and uncapped it. He dried the wound with a small towel and poured on some of the alcohol. 

    She woke from the sudden sharp stinging in her head and started squirming and lashing out violently. She clawed him across the stomach deeply in her panic. He lunged forward and held her still. She was breathing heavily and looked around panicked as she tried to figure out were she was. She saw darkness, then dirt, then roots, then Alex. She almost instantly relaxed at the sight of him. She was soo worried that she was going to lose him back at the river. she laid her head on his head and drifted off to sleep.

   He waited for a moment after she fell asleep before he tried to bandage her head. He used one whole roll of bandages to be sure that they wouldn't come off. He then cleaned and bandaged his own stomach. The alcohol stung extremely bad as it ran down his abs. He finished bandaging himself and collapsed next to Vera. He wrapped his arms around her neck and passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2018 ⏰

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