Chapter Two

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A while later, Sherlock and his new room mate John, set off across campus to the auditorium where the party was being held. They had talked some more at their room.

John learned that Sherlock was eighteen. He was doing the same course as him in microbiology, but he didn't seem overly enthusiastic about it. He was...weird. Like, really weird. John wasn't sure if sharing a room with him would be easy or not. It would be interesting, no doubt.

Sherlock allowed John to state the obvious to him. Twenty years of age. He had joined the army at eighteen, but had been forced to leave upon injury.He was an average guy, Sherlock saw. Maybe a bit nicer than other people, though. So far he hadn't told him to shut up.

Sherlock wasn't really looking forward to this party. He was only going because he was bored and John was somewhat interesting. He could tell John felt awkward around him, though. As did a lot of people. They didn't understand his social ineptitude. Sherlock didn't really care.

''So...ever been to a college party before?'' John asked, breaking the silence as they walked.

''No, and I'm nearly certain this will be my last.''

John's eyebrows went up. ''You haven't even gotten there and you're already putting your foot down?''

Sherlock tried a shrug. ''It's not my thing.''

''Then why're you coming? I'm not forcing you, or whatever.'' John said with a little laugh.

''I was bored.'' Sherlock answered, trying to sound casual.

He'd never really done this. Talked to someone so casually. Someone his own age, who wasn't his brother. Well, of course he had talked to people. It's very hard to go about and not end up conversing with someone...but, it felt sort of different.

''So bored to go out of your comfort zone?'' John asked.

Sherlock rolled his eyes and looked down to John. ''What, do you not believe me or something?''

''No! No!'' John said, holding his hands up and smiling. ''Who am I to say any of this?'' he laughed.

Sherlock just smiled in response and chuckled.

John dropped his gaze to the path. He watched his own shoes, light brown leather, move up and down with each step. He liked Sherlock, despite his...difference. Living with him might actually be a bit of a laugh, John thought.

After a minute or so, they approached the hall. Loud music came from inside and there was an disorganized crowd of excited first years trying to get in. Sherlock felt no excitement as he walked up with John to the back of the chaotic line. It was dark in the hall with flashing pink and green lights. No alcohol was being sold, but with a quick scan of the people before him, Sherlock saw that-

''Half of these people are already hammered.''

John snorted and looked up at him. ''No shit, Sherlock.''

Sherlock gave a short, loud laugh. ''Don't you think it's a bit pathetic, though? Just because you're in college now, all these people think their lives are going to become this wondrous, partying, sex-filled trip. It's ridiculous.''

John nodded slightly in agreement and laughed. ''For some people it will be, though.''

''And they will fail, most likely.''

John laughed again, the line moving along a bit and a group of loud girls in tight dresses came up behind them. ''Oh, but come on. Didn't we all hope, at least, when we were sixteen that college would be this sex-filled, mad party, freakin' acid trip?''

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