Chapter Nine

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Nothing was said at dinner. John's parents didn't even join them. It was all just tense silences and the clanging of cutlery. Sherlock wasn't angry, per say, but he was definitely hurt. He tried not to be. He understood John's position, and he was able to empathise, but...he just wished John could be a bit more proud. It was disheartening.

They slept in separate bedrooms, and neither got much sleep. John felt immensely guilty. He knew Sherlock already felt insecure about being in a relationship because of past experiences, and now John had only gone and made it worse. And, it was those insecurities that led Sherlock to a sleepless night. John tried texting him, telling Sherlock that everything between them was still okay, and that he was sorry.

They went three more days as such, with barely any time to be alone together. Sherlock had hoped for happy memories to be made here. How wrong he had been. It was on the fourth night, Christmas Eve, that the tension was finally released. It was the first night John's parents had joined them for dinner.

''So, John tells me you were travelling?'' Sherlock politely tried to bring up conversation. John sat at his right, his father; Frank was across from Sherlock and his wife; Emily sat next to her husband.

John's mother looked up at Sherlock, that strained smile appearing on her features again. ''Yes,'' she nodded, swallowing down her food, before speaking again. ''For six months, we went to different parts of Africa. It was wonderful, wasn't it, Frank?'' She laid a hand on her husband's arm and he gave a small nod and a grunt in response. Then, she pouted. ''It's why we didn't get to see poor John for so long.'' She smiled sadly at her son.

John tensed beside Sherlock. No, Mother, I hadn't seen you for over two years. Lies. Lies. Sherlock paused, and his eyes dashed between John and his parents. There was a brief moment of silence, which was taken over by John's father, but he asked the wrong question. 

''So, Sherlock, young chap like you. Seeing anyone?''

Sherlock's jaw tightened and his fork gave a quaver before he calmly placed it down.

''Um...Yes, yes, I am.''

Frank smiled good-naturedly. ''Who is she, then? She treat you well?''

Sherlock stared across at him for a moment, he knew the right thing to do would be to respond politely and quickly dismiss the conversation, but he had had enough of John's stupid, idiotic, homophobic parents.

''Oh, she is just great. Perfect, even. I adore spending time with her, because she is so special to me, but...You know, it's gone a little sour.''

Sherlock saw John bite his trembling lip and he kept his gaze averted. Frank and Emily both shifted uncomfortably in their seats. 

''Oh?'' Emily asked in a polite voice.

''Yep.'' Sherlock stared right at her, popping the 'p'. He leaned forward, catching her eyes and keeping the contact.

''You see, her parents don't approve. And, that really upsets her, but they're too big a couple of idiots to try and put it right. I mean...'' Sherlock laughed loudly, bitterly. All eyes were trained on him. ''Who on earth is it hurting that she chose to be with me? We care about each other, just as any other couple would. Just like her own parents. Love is love, right?'' He leaned back in his chair, his anger making his shoulders shake, and making tears appear in his eyes. John watched Sherlock with fearful eyes. Sherlock didn't cry. Not ever.

''Sherlock...'' he muttered gently, his parents too shocked to speak.

''No, John!'' Sherlock said, looking back to him for a second, before staring at his parents. ''It's not fair on her.'' he spat out the word. ''I can see how much it hurts, and it is killing me, because why should anyone dare try and taint the first time I've had a positive relationship? Who has the right to question...'' tears were now fresh on his face, and his voice went quiet as he finished. ''...Who'' he sniffed. ''Who should question that?'' he shook his head.

Everybody was quiet in the room and Sherlock's cheeks heated quickly before he stood up. ''Sorry, I seem to have...rambled.'' He cleared his throat and fixed his shirt. ''Excuse me-''

''Sherlock, no.'' John cut him off. ''Sit down.''

''No, I should really-''

''Do you want them to know or not?'' John answered. He suddenly looked a lot more confident. He looked certain, and as Sherlock took this in he nodded, seating himself slowly. 

''Only if you're sure.'' He said gently, eyes and smile sad as his eyes raked over John's equally drained and hurt expressions.

''I am.'' John nodded, trying to boost his confidence. He was terrified, but Sherlock confessing his love like that, with all those words, with such daring in front of his parents...It gave John a push. He needed to do this. Not just for Sherlock, but for himself. For closure.

Emily's hands were trembling and Frank was looking between the two boys with scared eyes, his face noticeably paler. 

''John, what's going on?'' John's mother asked in a quiet voice. She was furious. Quietly so, she acted the same as John did when he was angry. Reserved. 

John swallowed hard and took Sherlock's hand. ''Sherlock's my boyfriend, Mum.'' he said with a small smile. Not a sad smile, or a happy smile, but a smile that showed he knew this was hard for his parents...But, it was what he'd chosen. 

It went quiet again. It went quiet for way too long and Sherlock could feel John's hand sweating, but he clutched it tightly and rubbed circles over John's skin. Sherlock stayed quiet, he didn't feel he had a right to say anymore than he had, but he wished someone would just break the silence already. Break this ridiculous tension. 

''Out.'' His father said suddenly, curtly, in a loud voice. He looked right at John and leaned forward. ''Get out. Now.''

John was shaking with grief and anger and he quickly shot up from the table. He knocked over a glass, spilling wine, then another and another, then stomped out of the room, slamming the door shut. Sherlock let him be angry. He was angry too, but more upset for John. John's parents turned their gaze to Sherlock almost simultaneously. He nodded and stood.

''Yeah, yeah, I'm going.'' He sighed, but turned back to them once more. ''You are so blinded. Both of you are so, so wrong. John is a wonderful man, and you're missing out on so much. He is caring and accepting and strong...Luckily, in this case, he is nothing like his parents.'' Sherlock opened the door, they were staring at him with fuming looks on their faces. ''I just hope you grow out of this bigotry, and learn to love your son the right way.'' And, then he too slammed the door.

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