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It was easy. Getting a cab was easy. Deciding which restaurant they wanted to go to was easy. The small talk in the cab as they neared Angelo's was easy. How are you? How's life? Oh, Consulting Detective? Congratulations! Oh, army pension. That's rough. Waiting to be seated was easy, a small introduction from Angelo was easy and almost amusing...The small candle on the table was awkward, and Angelo assuming John was Sherlock's date was tense. Then came the talking.

John was a little alarmed. Sherlock simultaneously was completely different and also the exact same. When John had known Sherlock, his boyfriend had been private, reclusive, hard and cold towards others, but never did he lie to John about how he felt. Once they were close, obviously later in the day, he would have always confided in John whether or nor a certain person's comment had upset him or not. Yet, John had a feeling that Sherlock had managed to close himself off even more than he used to. That's how he was different. Sherlock was cold. Smart. And obviously very wary. He had given John a huge grin back at St, Bart's, but Sherlock had quickly collected himself. Now, it was all polite smiles and a fake-breezy attitude. John knew different. He knew how Sherlock worked. Sherlock had emotions, and it upset John to see how Sherlock was still insecure about them.

''So.'' John said, forcing a smile on his face.

Sherlock gave a strained smile back and nodded. ''So.'' he laughed a bit, simply filling the silence.

John tapped his hands on the table top. ''So, you got that job you wanted.''

''Yes.'' Sherlock said quickly, eager to get a fluid conversation going. ''Yes, I'm a consulting detective. I have a website, but I mainly get my cases from Scotland Yard. God, they'd be lost without me.''

John laughed nervously, nodding with a smile. ''Is it dangerous?'' he asked. 

Sherlock tilted his head from side to side, thinking through his answer. ''Yes,'' he eventually said. ''Yes, it can be, certainly, at times, but...'' he smiled to himself. ''It's not all chasing after criminals. Sometimes it can just be me thinking through the evidence given and figuring it all out.''

John nodded. ''Good. That sounds very...exciting.'' he decided was the right word. ''Very exciting.''

''It is.'' Sherlock said, and John found the smile that appeared on his face adorable. ''It occupies my mind.'' he added, trying to bring back his stoicism.

There was a small, tense pause, the only sound was of Sherlock's fingers drumming on the table-top. Then, Sherlock was the one to ask the first daring question.

''So, are you seeing anyone?''

At that, John laughed. ''Ah...no.'' he smiled a bit. ''No, and the one upside to being dumped by a throng of different people means I have plenty of funny stories to tell.''

Sherlock snorted and nodded his head, an amused smile on his face. ''Quite an optimistic way of seeing it.''

John nodded and chuckled. ''It is, I suppose. But, if you don't laugh, you're going to end up all sad.''

Sherlock's expression faltered. It was only for a split second, but it showed on his face. John saw it too.

''Suppose so, yes.'' Sherlock said, having brought himself back to his usual self. But, John could see the cogs working behind his eyes. 

''What about you?'' John asked, taking a sip of his water. ''Anyone take your fancy?''

Sherlock looked down at the table, giving an air of nonchalance. ''No.'' he said shortly, simply.

John raised a brow. ''Not even funny stories?''

I can't give you funny stories, Sherlock thought. But I can tell you about the plenty of sad one-night-stands I've had. You'd like that, right?

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