Chapter Seven

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They were the couple people talked about. Both good and bad rumours circulated at the speed of light. Apparently they'd been fucking the whole time behind Sarah's back. Sherlock seemed to have beaten himself up for attention. John also had AIDs now. These were the worst of the rumours, and most people didn't believe them anyway. Most people pretended not to give a crap, but it definitely was scandalous, what with Sarah getting banned from stepping foot on campus grounds.

But the two the rumours were based on, best friends, boyfriends, Sherlock and John, were so very happy. They found they were quite comfortable with each other, straight away on their first night.

It was amazing. At first, it had been a little awkward, and they had been nervous to touch each other. Without either of them having to say it, it was evident Sherlock was inexperienced. For John, that only made it more...personal and loving to know that Sherlock placed this trust in him. After it was awkward, it was...Oh, it was fantastic. Yes, Sherlock and John were a happy couple. They fit easily. They flowed without problem with both their timetables and they just understood each other. Sherlock enjoyed college.

Sherlock was pouring over his notes on an upcoming test in his microbiology class. John, who had the same test tomorrow, had his feet up on the bed, laptop on his knees.

''Hey, Sherlock?''

''Mmm?'' Sherlock responded, eyes closely following each line of his textbook.

''How many weeks till Christmas?''

Sherlock kept his head in his book at the kitchen table, not looking up. 

''Sherlock?'' John called for his attention.

No response.

''Let's have sex.''

Sherlock's head popped up. ''What?''

John smirked and looked back at his open email. ''I asked how long it was until Christmas?''

''Oh, uh...two weeks tomorrow.''

''What are you doing for Christmas?''

 ''First week of holidays, I was just going to stay here. Second, I'm going to visit my family.''

John nodded. '' would you feel about coming back to my parent's house with me for the first week?''

Sherlock cocked his head to the side. ''Really? You want to introduce me to your family?''

''No, you're just my boyfriend.'' John scowled. ''Yes. You're important to me, Sherl',-''


''-And my family should meet you.''

Sherlock smiled a bit and stood, closing over his books. ''This makes us seem rather serious, doesn't it?''

''Yeah, I guess it does.'' John paused. ''...Aren't we?''

Sherlock hesitated. ''...I don't know. When does it usually become officially serious?''

''When I invite you over to meet my parents, that's when.''

Sherlock smiled lightly to himself and nodded. ''Then, I'll go with you, on the conditions that you come to meet my family on the second week.''

''Don't you think we'll want some time apart?''

''Oh, that's delightful, that.''

''No, Sherlock.'' John gave an exasperated sigh. ''You know that's not what I mean.''

''Then, what?''

John let out a breath and pulled himself up. He walked over to Sherlock and kissed his lips briefly, softly. ''Sherlock,'' his voice was gentle. ''We've talked about this. There is no need for you to feel insecure about us. I am serious about you, and...'' I love you. ''...All I meant was that we could just take two or three days alone with our families, then I'll go up to you and spend the rest of break with you. Yeah? Sound good?''

Sherlock looked at John for a moment, then managed a little smile and he nodded. ''Yeah,'' he said, briefly kissing John's lips. ''Yeah, let's go with that.''

John grinned and kissed Sherlock again. ''So, what's your family like?''

Sherlock pouted a little in thought. ''...I think you'll like my Dad. My Mum's a little weird, and my brother...''Sherlock shook his head a little, letting out a breath. ''If you think I'm weird, you'll be surprised by him.''

John smiled fondly up at Sherlock and gave a little nod. ''Not as weird as my sister.''

Sherlock chuckled. ''I'm positive Mycroft is weirder than Harriet. I've seen your texts with your sister. She's normal. Mycroft is not. Mycroft is an enigma.''

John shook his head and gently pulled back from Sherlock, walking back to his bed. ''Well, I can't wait to meet your family. It'll be a good thing to do, Sherlock.'' he smiled, before sitting at the edge of his bed.

Sherlock hesitated. ''I suppose.''

John frowned. ''What?''

''It's just...'' Sherlock cleared his throat, straightening out his back. ''I don't have the best history with...making good first impressions.''

''You made a fine one on me.'' John grinned.

Sherlock blushed and rolled his eyes through it, sitting down on his own bed (that hadn't been slept in, in more than week now). ''No, seriously, John.''

John pulled his legs up so he was sitting with them crossed. ''Sherlock, you're my boyfriend. If I like you, then so will my family. Just try not to murder them or something, and I'm sure we'll be on the right track to charming them.''

Sherlock shook his head, rolling his eyes again. He lay down on his back. ''Okay, fine.''

John smiled to himself, and brought himself up. He sat beside Sherlock on his bed, and looked down to him, a fond look in his eyes. ''Should I be nervous to meet your family?''

''Yes,'' Sherlock answered immediately, making John give a look of instant worry. Sherlock, seeing his mistake, sat up and shook his head. ''No,no,no. Not like that.'' He bit his lip.

''Then, how?'' John asked, fiddling with his jumper now. 

''...They're just weird, like I said. They'll be gawking over you. 'Sherlock's first friend he's brought back to the house'. Shocking to them, believe me.'' Sherlock ended in a murmur. 

John smiled sadly. ''I'm honoured to be your first.'' he answered, placing one finger under Sherlock's chin, tilting his face to his own, then kissing him lightly. 

Sherlock was blushing again, and once again, he was surprised by how moved he felt by John's words. By John's show of caring. Genuine caring. It meant a lot to Sherlock. He softly returned the kiss for a moment, eyes fluttering closed briefly. 

John pulled back and poked Sherlock's nose. ''We have a test.''

''Yes, we do.'' Sherlock said, smiling back at him. 

John stood and picked up Sherlock's book from the kitchen table. He walked back to Sherlock and sat in between Sherlock's legs, leaning against his chest. And, they studied together.

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