Chapter Four

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What the Hell am I supposed to do? Sherlock sat in his microbiology class, beside John and not listening one single bit. Since yesterday, Sarah had constantly been throwing him looks whenever John's back was turned, and when they were left alone, she would remind him of her threat to have him hurt if he told John anything.

He didn't even tell Mycroft, which was a huge first. He wasn't scared, as such, more...wary. Very wary. Also confused. Did he fancy John? He'd only known him for a couple of days. It was a ridiculous idea, but then again, John had only known Sarah a few hours before they became ''aquainted''.

Dammit, he did like John. He didn't want to, but he did. And he would tell himself over and over in his head not be stupid or dramatic and to just 'get over it', but then he'd spot John and Sarah, laughing and kissing on John's bed and Sherlock would feel a pang of jealousy. It was interfering with his work and it was really starting to worry Sherlock.

''Sherlock!'' John hissed, bringing Sherlock out of his thoughts with a nudge of his arm.

''What? Oh-'' The class all looked at him with expectant faces.

''I asked you the definition of a 'Virus', Mr.Holmes.'' the teacher said, obviously agitated.

''Oh, sorry,uh...Viruses are the smallest micro-organisms and increase by invading other cells.''

The teacher stared at him curiously for a moment, then nodded. ''Pay attention,Mr.Holmes.''

Sherlock nodded and looked down, scribbling on his page, already starting to zone out again.

''You okay?'' John whispered. ''What's up?''

Your girlfriend's a lunatic and you're the first person I've ever fancied. ''Nothing. Nothing's up.''

''Wow.You're a good liar.'' John whispered back dryly.

Sherlock glanced up at John, then back down. ''It's not important-'' Then why is it plaguing your thoughts, Sherlock? ''-Really not important.''

John rolled his eyes. ''I don't know you well,'' John said. ''but, I can tell when someone's upset. Tell me-''

''John Watson!'' The teacher shouted. ''Would you like to share with us yours and Sherlock's wonderful conversation?''

John fell silent and looked down at his notes. ''Sorry sir.''

''Sorry, sir.'' Sherlock repeated, doodling once again.

The teacher turned and started to talk again, the rest of the class putting their full attention on him. Sherlock glanced at John from his silly drawings on his refill pad. John caught him staring and looked back. He sighed and started to write a note on a piece of paper. He ripped it out of his copy and slid it over to Sherlock, watching the teacher the whole time. Sherlock picked it up and held it under the desk. 

I know something's up. Are you not liking college? JW 

Sherlock sighed and placed the small piece of paper on his desk. He hunched over, hiding what he wrote by bringing his head down to the desk's surface, his black curls brushing against the paper. He pulled back and and quickly dropped it on John's desk, not looking at John's face.

I hate it. SH 

John frowned and looked at Sherlock a moment. He had placed his head against the desk again and he just looked like a black mop. John bit his lip and held in a giggle. He shook his head a little, bringing himself back to Sherlock's note. He frowned again, wondering how to respond. 

Why? We haven't been a week here yet. You barely talk to anyone, anyway. You just need to adjust. JW

He slipped the note into Sherlock's hand, making his head raise from the desk and look down at his hand. He saw the note and nodded to himself, bringing it back to his hunched over position. He sighed upon reading it and picked up his pen and wrote his reply, placing it into John's hand after.

I don't care about making friends. It's nothing to do with that. I'm just not enjoying myself. I'm sort of tempted to just leave. SH

John sighed again. The bell rang and he crumpled the piece of paper in his hand, pushing it into his pocket. He poked Sherlock on the shoulder and the younger of the two raised his head from the desk. He looked at John for a moment, then turned in his seat, picking up his bag and throwing his stuff into it.

''Sherlock?'' John asked, shrugging on his coat and standing as people started to file out of the room. 

''Mmm?'' Sherlock responded, standing himself and pulling his haversack onto his back, 

''Like I said, I don't know you well...but, you're acting all depressed. Like...just...are you okay?''

Sherlock looked at John, feeling all of him just melt at John's show of caring, but he kept a neutral expression on his face and cleared his throat. He picked up his coat and held it in his arms. He tried a smile. ''I'm fine. You said I need to adjust...maybe you're right.''

John smiled back a little. ''Yeah? See? When I went to the army at first, I was incredibly home-sick. You get used to it, and it gets easier the more friends you make.''

Sherlock sighed a little and started to walked towards the door, John following him. ''I don't know about that, now.''

John laughed a little to himself and jogged to catch up with Sherlock. ''Oh, come on. You're talking to me right now. We're friends, right?''

Sherlock looked down at John as they walked out of the room and into the halls, and eventually gave an almost reluctant nod. ''I suppose...'' he said, trying to smother a smile.

John grinned and poked his arm. ''See? Friends! It happens easier than you're telling yourself, Sherlock.''

Sherlock shook his head as they walked, a small smile playing on his lips. ''Even still...''

John just continued to grin. He stopped them walking at a split in the corridor. ''Look, I've got to go meet up with Sarah.''

Sherlock felt the happiness he had felt quickly vaporize and he nodded. ''Sure, yep. I'll be back at the dorm.''

John nodded and smiled, turning around and down a corridor. Sherlock watched him go and sighed once he was out of sight. This needed to be sorted out. Maybe he should obliterate their newly-found companionship. It would only cause Sherlock discomfort and make Sarah more bitter towards him. What was the point in caring?

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