Chapter Twelve

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John wished his own parents had been so accepting. He wished he had stayed long enough to see his sister. Yet, if that fight with his parents had never happened, John would never have had the opportunity to spend this Christmas with Sherlock's lovely family. Sherlock was right, they were weird, but John loved them. Sherlock's Dad loved to talk, and embarrass Sherlock too. His Mother was different, she was just outstanding. Clever. And, always happy to see her children smile. It was odd, Sherlock hated tidying up their dorm back at college, but if his mother asked him to lift a finger, he'd do it in the blink of an eye. She also could never decide on what to call Sherlock. He was mostly 'Sherlock', but when she scalded him, it was 'William', and when she was chatting, sometimes a 'Will' slipped out. Then, there was Mycroft. Mycroft was odd. He was the same age as John and anytime they tried to have civil conversation, John felt like a child. Mycroft acted older, and he already had some important job, apparently. John tried to remind him, when the older Holmes boy started to boast, that he'd been in the army.

Sherlock and John proceeded to get dressed once his Mum started shouting up the stairs to hurry up. John grinned across at Sherlock, pulling on a jumper he'd saved up for Christmas. ''Are you alright with what we just did in your childhood bedroom?''

Sherlock laughed shortly, buttoning up his shirt. ''Just another memory now.'' he said, looking at himself in the mirror. ''I don't mind at all.''

John chuckled and slipped his arms around Sherlock's waist, looking at them both in the mirror as Sherlock finished up with his clothes. ''I love you, you know.''

Sherlock sighed, cheeks flushing a soft pink. ''I'm rather fond of you too.'' he said, turning his head to kiss the side of John's. ''But, my Mother wont be if we don't hurry up, so let's go.'' he playfully patted John's bum as he pulled away and walked towards the door.

The morning was filled with present exchanging, stories about past Christmases, and Sherlock's mum had even gone through the trouble to make sure John had a little present. They ate chocolate for breakfast, and more goodies for lunch until they were dreading eating a roast for dinner. 

''John, I'm fat.'' Sherlock groaned, curled up on one of the gorgeous, maroon couches by the fire.

John snorted, looked at him from an armchair. ''Sherlock, you're really not.''

''I haven't eaten this much since I was a child.'' he continued to mope. 

''You are a child, Sherlock.'' John continued to smile, a small glass of mulled wine in his hand. 

''How are you drinking that?'' he stared at his boyfriend. ''How are you not exploding with food?''

''All right, that's it.'' John grinned, placing his glass down and walked over to Sherlock. ''Are you fat?'' he asked.

Sherlock looked up at him and nodded. ''I feel fat.'' 

''We'll see about that!'' John said, playfully peeping up under Sherlock's shirt. ''Nope! You're still completely flat.''

Sherlock laughed at John, taking a deep breath in and making his tummy rise, his cheeks puffed out. ''Am I attractive?''

John laughed and kept his hand up under Sherlock's shirt, starting to slowly tickle him. Sherlock groaned, his cheeks heating up and a smile spreading across his face. ''Not now, I'm bloated.''

''Thought you were fat?'' John retaliated, still tickling him. Sherlock squirmed, giggling softly.

''Get off!'' Sherlock laughed loudly, breaths shortened as John tickled him. ''John!'' he cackled in laughter.

John laughed at the sight of him and kept it going, until the sitting room door swung open, revealing a confused looking Mycroft. ''...Dinner is ready.''

Sherlock blushed a deeper colour and slid up on the seat so he was sitting, rather than lying. ''Be in, in a minute.'' 

He raised an eyebrow at his brother, rolled his eyes, then walked out. Sherlock softly shoved John. ''He did not think you were tickling me.''

John too blushed and he stood, holding a hand out for Sherlock. ''Well, we can't help that. Now, let's go get you fat.''

Sherlock groaned.

Their days continued just as happily, and with just as much food (and complaining from Sherlock). New Year's was wonderful. They all huddled out the back against the rain as Sherlock's dad tried to figure out how to set off the fireworks. After ten minutes, and after everyone was soaked to the skin, the air and sky was filled with purple and blue lights. 

John kissed Sherlock at the countdown, standing a little away from Sherlock's family. He grinned as their lips slid together,and as Sherlock pulled him closer.

''You know what, William?''

Sherlock laughed, rolling his eyes. ''What?''

''I'm gonna be with your forever.''  he said, giving him a soppy grin. 

Sherlock snorted in response. ''Have you been drinking?''

''Maybe?!'' John said, throwing his arms up for a second, before they wrapped back around Sherlock's waist. ''But, I do mean it. You're the one for me''

Sherlock couldn't get the smile off his face and he shut his eyes, giving John a small kiss. ''Happy New Year, John.''

''Happy New Year, Sherlock.'' John whispered, bringing him back into a deeper kiss as another batch of fireworks zoomed into the air, crashing above them in light. 

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