New Earth

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The Doctor slowly walked around the TARDIS and fiddled with the console before leaning against it and frowning at Rita. Who are you? He thought to himself as he watched her stare at the TARDIS in wonder like an innocent child the Doctor trusted her for some reason as if he actually knew her and he didn't know why. "Rita?" He spoke for the first time breaking the silence since Rose had left him to wonder about who she actually was.

"Yes, Doctor." She turned to him still standing near the doors of the TARDIS

"Who are you?" He frowned. "Not like who are you because I know your name is Rita Stone and that your human, but who are you?" He questioned emphasising his words to make it clearer for her.

"What do you mean?" She frowned his words confusing her even more than before while walking up to the console.

"So Rose and I get dragged halfway across time and space into a Dalek ship, the TARDIS is almost stolen by the Daleks and then we find you, an innocent girl lying peacefully on the floor in the Dalek ship." The Doctor frowned not even believing the words himself. "You knew about the programme, how?"

"The TV show" Rita answered. "I don't know how I got here Doctor, I don't know how or why I am here but I am." Rita shrugged. Half satisfied with her answer, at least for now, the Doctor nodded. "Rose?" He called as he turned some knobs on the console and pressed some buttons before he saw the blonde poke her head in the console room. "Looks like Rita is going to be with us for a while." He said before glancing over at the brunette quickly adding. "If you want." 

Rita then broke out into a broad grin. The Doctor did the same then looked at Rose who smiled herself nodding. "Fine by me."

"After all that running and Daleks and stuff I'm so tired at the moment so if I am staying I guess I need somewhere to sleep." Rita yawned "No way am I sleeping on the floor" she joked.

"No you're not" the Doctor agreed. "The TARDIS made a room for you. Down that hall, first on the left" He pointed in a direction. "Should have everything you need. 

"I did always wonder how you lived in the TARDIS  she chuckled before nodding a thank you and walked away from the two feeling way too tired to continue on with the day.


Rita had stayed with the Doctor and Rose in the TARDIS for about a week now, she had a few tests done on her due to the Doctor not understanding who she was or how she managed to get on the Dalek ship. It was mainly the Doctor wanting to make sure she was safe on board and that Rose was too. Rita explained as much as she could to the Doctor as well as told him what she deemed 'interesting' about her life as well as learned a little more about Rose in the process not even asking the Doctor about himself since she already knew far too much, more than what he would no doubt deem 'appropriate' so she kept quiet and actually enjoyed the company of the Time Lord and the other human far more than she expected. More than what she thought she would in dreams she had while she was younger. The Doctor didn't let her leave the TARDIS and wouldn't leave the TARDIS alone with her. After feeling satisfied with Rita Stone's health and safety as well as Rose's, his own and the TARDISes safety he decided that the test results were normal and that Rita wasn't anything but human. 

Finally, the adventures could begin.


"So where are we going?" said Rose leaning against the TARDIS

"Further than we've ever gone before" the Doctor grinned at both Rita and Rose before flipping a switch hearing the TARDIS dematerialise in the sky. "And finally welcome aboard Miss Stone" the Doctor smirked as they all gripped onto the console travelling through the vortex.

Parallel: From Another World [1] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now