The Idiot's Lantern - Two

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Just because the new series of Doctor Who starts tonight here is an extra update. :)

The Doctor and Rita sat at a table the two men standing opposite one of them leaning against the table in front of them and the other with their arms crossed. "Start from the beginning. Tell me everything you know." The one with their arms crossed asked.

"Well, for starters, I know you can't wrap your hand around your elbow and make your fingers meet." He looked over at Rita smirking, she rolled her eyes not able to help smirking back at him.

"Don't get clever with me. You were both there today at Florizel Street, and now breaking into this establishment. Now you're connected with this. Make no mistake."

"Well, the thing is, Detective Inspector Bishop." The Doctor leant back in his chair as the detective frowned.

"How do you know my name?" He asked slightly leaning forward towards the Doctor.

"It's written inside your collar." The detective looked at his own collar. "Bless your mum." He mumbled. "But I can't help thinking, Detective Inspector, you're not exactly doing much detective inspecting, are you?"

"Seems we're doing more of that" Rita commented earning a 'shut up' glare from the Detective, she didn't notice but the Doctor was sending a deadly stare at the detective.

"I'm doing everything in my power." He told them.

"All you're doing is grabbing those faceless people and hiding them as fast as you can. Don't tell me orders from above, hmm? Coronation Day. The eyes of the world are on London Town so any sort of problem just gets swept out of sight."

"The nation has an imagine to maintain." Bishop simply answered.

"But doesn't it drive you mad, doing nothing? Don't you want to get out there and investigate?" He asked.

"Of course I do. But, with all the crowds expected, we haven't got the manpower. Even if we did, this is beyond anything we've ever seen. I just don't know anymore. Twenty years on the force, I don't even know where to start. We haven't the faintest clue what's going on." Rita smiled knowing that the Doctor was never going to turn down a cry for help.

"Well, that could change." The Doctor looked at Rita a brow raised she nodded in response and leant forward on the table on the same time as the Doctor.


"Start from the beginning." They both said in unison. "Tell us everything you know."

Bishop blinked for a moment looking between the two, he walked towards a board Rita and the Doctor watched him move then got up and walked over to him. "We started finding them about a month ago. Persons left sans visage. Heads just blank."

The Doctor placed on his glasses and leant forward looking at the board. "Is there any sort of pattern?"

"Yes, spreading out from North London. All over the city. Men, women, kids, grannies. The only real lead is there's been quite a large number in-"

"Florizel Street." The Doctor interrupted.

Rita's heart sank, she really wished she couldn't remember at times, but then there was also times she wished she could. That is life though, right? Remembering and forgetting. The Doctor would never forget this or trust the brunette again. "Found another one, sir." A man walked in.

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