New Earth - Three

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The Doctor started coming to after being knocked out by Cassandra in Rita's body. His vision was a little blurry for a few moments but he was ok. Then he noticed where he was. "Let us out! Let us out" He started to bang on the inside of the green pod door.

"Aren't you two lucky there was two spare? Standing room only" The Doctor could just about see the outline of Rita's body outside of the pod.

"Doctor!" Rose screamed she must have woken up.

"You've stolen Rita's body." The Doctor stated.

"Over the years, I've thought of a thousand ways to kill you, Doctor." Cassandra laughed a little "And now, that's exactly what I've got. One thousand diseases. They pump the patients with a top-up every ten minutes." She looked at her wrist pretending there was a watch there. "You've got about three minutes left. Enjoy."

"Just let Rose and Rita go, Cassandra." "Rose? ha no, the brunette I will." Cassandra laughed "As soon as I've found someone less common, then I'll junk her with the waste. Now hushaby. It's showtime." Cassandra then walked away from the pod slowly disfiguring Rita's shape.

"Anything we can do to help?" Jatt and Matron walked down the walk way.

"Straight to the point, Whiskers." Cassandra mocked the cats "I want money."

"The Sisterhood is a charity. We don't give money. We only accept." Casp explained to Cassandra who proceeded to roll her eyes quite bored of the cats.

"The humans across the water pay you a fortune, and that's exactly what I need." Cassandra crossed her arms "A one-off payment, that's all I want." she then thought for a moment "Oh, and perhaps a yacht. In return for which, I shall tell the city nothing of your institutional murder." Rita mentally slapped the woman for her uncaring nature. She knew that Cassandra definitely had a heart somewhere (even if it was no longer her original heart) but the woman had to find it herself which annoyed Rita as she wanted to help but was unable to do so with the amount of energy she had left as well as knowing that the 'episode' had to continue as normal "Is that a deal?" Cassandra asked the cats. 

  "I'm afraid not."  Casp declined the offer like Rita knew she would even without watching the episode no one would be silly enough to fall for that sort of a plan.

"I'll tell them," Cassandra threatened. "and you've no way of stopping me. You're not exactly Nuns with Guns." 'Big mistake'  Rita thought managing to gain some strength "You're not even armed." Cassandra scoffed ignored Rita's comment.

"Who needs arms when we have claws?" Matron unleashed her claws making Cassandra panic darting her eyes around the area before turning to Chip

"Well, nice try. Chip? Plan B" Chip then pulled a lever opening all of the pod doors on that level including the Doctor and Rose.

The Doctor jumps out of his pod and then helps Rose and next turning to Cassandra "What've you done?" 

"Gave the system a shot of adrenaline, just to wake them up." Cassandra turned and ran in the opposite direction "See you!"

The Doctor turned back to the cats, he pointed and shouted: "Don't touch them! Whatever you do, don't touch!" he then grabbed Rose's hand and Chased after Cassandra and Chip.

The Doctor and Rose follow Cassandra and Chip down the hall until hearing a scream and the doors on every single one of the other pods opening allowing all the people to roam free.

   "Oh, my God." Cassandra gasped skidding to a stop just as the Doctor and Rose caught up.

"What the hell have you done?!" He shouted at her scanning the area for an escape.

Parallel: From Another World [1] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now