Date me Part 2 (Cause Wattpads a dick)

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Jack's P.O.V
I lie in my bed, Mark hugging my back. I blush. Did... Mark like me? I mean... I like him. But I thought he was straight. Heck. I thought I was straight. Guess not.

"Jack?" Mark asks softly.

I felt his hot breath on my neck, causing me to shiver. I smile and moan softly.

"Yeah, Mark?" I asks back.

God... His voice is sexy. No. Jack. You're straight. You don't like him.

"Will... You uh..." He stutters.

I swallow hard. Oh no. Is he gonna kick me out. No. Nononono. I knew this was too good to be true.

"Go on... I mean you don't have to..." He continued.

Oh my god. That always means bad. Just spit it out already Mark. I feel like I'm gonna shit myself I'm so scared.

"Go on a... Date.. with me?" He finishes.

What?! A date?! He does. Oh crap. He likes me. What am I gonna do. I mean I like him back. Just...

"Yes. I would love to." I say trying to stay calm but my voice cracks in the end.


Marks P.O.V.
I smile as he accepted my request. Oh boy. I can't believe it. I mean... This is earth shaking. I feel like I'm gonna pass out. Not only because the bed is super soft and I'm really tired but because the man I'm questioning my sexuality for said yes.

I never thought I'd say that. It's weird... My life got flipped upsidedown in a matter of seconds. I rub his arm softly with I feel something. I sit up fast looking at Jack. Jack turns around and looks at me.

"Mark?" He says softly.

"Don't. Just don't." I say frowning.

"Jack... You..." I said hesitating.

I place my hand on his hand before looking at his arm.

"Mark, I--" I cut him off.

"I'm here, Jack." I say before hugging him.

I hear him weeping on my shoulder.

"Shh... It's okay, Jack." I say quietly.

"I'm so sorry. I just... I just didn't know what to do..." He says.

I look at him. His eyes were red from tears.

"Don't do it again. If you need to talk. Talk to me. I don't care if we are fighting or anything. I don't want you harming yourself." I say softly

Sorry it's short. I've been really busy with a new book I just published. I'm gonna try to update this book every Saturday and Tuesday from now on. If I don't. It's because it's a long ass chapter

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