Ch 5: The little things

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Fucking hell man I'm pumped. Do you know how hard it is to find good food? Like healthy food is pretty difficult in itself, growing crops that we abandoned, and trying to keep them from getting diseases or dying before you can harvest them. It's just an irritating process. But I'm not talking about that, I mean the real, tasty food. The kind you haven't eaten breakfast, lunch, and dinner for two fucking years. Well, when we got inside the cabin we all explored a little, looked around all sneaky like to see if there were any infected or hunters to worry about, look for supplies, etc, ect. I've been through that drill so many times it's not even funny. On the bright side there were no infected inside the house, thank god. Anyways! The others scrounged around and didn't find anything more than some antibiotics, some firewood, and quilts. But I, Lance Díaz, kept looking, and in a valiant effort to open a locked cabinet, I found canned bacon. Bacon. Five cans of it just sitting there on the shelf! Do you know how happy Blue would have been? He loved meat, and I don't think he's ever had bacon.

I walked down the stairs with the cans on my arms, the biggest shit eating grin on my face as I made my way through the back door to the group by the fire. Hunk looked up from his spot, his hands hovering near the flames to warm them up. He looked tired, but slowly he was waking up from his slumber. It probably wasn't comfortable either considering it was on the back of a horse. It's still early in the night though, so we should all be able to get some sleep tonight. His eyes went wide when I joined the circle, plopping myself down on the grass and setting the cans down in a nice row.

"So, while you lazy assholes left me in the cabin, I did some more snoopin' and found these treasures~"

The rest followed Hunks gaze downward to the cans, then back at me with disbelieving eyes.

"Yeah. That's right. Who's your favorite? It's me. Because I found bacon."

Hunk was the first to dive for the cans, then the others followed. Pidge climbing over Shiro and Matt, Allura draping herself across Coran's legs so he couldn't move closer while she reached. I scoot away with a high pitched yell, earning me a raised brow from Keith as I stood away from the hoard with a chuckle. Then that laugh faded and I glared at the group of people. "Hey! That's my bacon! And you still have to cook it! Greedy assholes.."

This seemed to spark their attention. How would they cook it? They can't just lay the bacon over a burning piece of firewood. So they all looked at each other individually, stood up slowly and casually before dropping the cans and running inside, all scrambling over each other once again in a rush to get inside first and find something to fry the bacon on.

Keith, fucking hell thank everything he was sane. He stayed out next to me by the fire, and once everyone was inside scrambling around like mad men, he wiggled over next to me. His back was against mine, my head against his shoulder, and his head against my opposite shoulder as we stared at the stars above us.

You see, most of the time I would say something, or you would think something needed to be said to fill the void. Maybe snarky, something funny possibly? Or maybe a soft confession of love. But sometimes silence is better kept. It can be thousands of words spoken at once without any need to vocally make affection obvious. Instead, we leaned against each other comfortably, hearing his soft breathing as we gaze up at the never ending sky above us. The pressure on my back growing and diminishing with each breath we take.

Before we got together, I'd thought that Keith wouldn't have been a romantic person. At least not in the way romance is normally portrayed with the stereotypical chocolate heart boxes, giant stuffed animals, and constant kissing and giggling. He's not like that, neither of us are. We aren't in a world where we can do that anymore, but even if we weren't in this mess, we wouldn't be like that. We're subtle. A light kiss here, holding hands under the table. Speaking with glances. And we can't give each other sappy ass valentines, but He gave me his bracelets he had when this shit storm started off, and I gave him my dog tags.

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