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''Hey don't cry. Listen I know a place where it feels like your alone and you feel like yourself. It just seems like you need something to refresh your mind.'' I smile as I pass her a tissue.

Her smile is adorable. Omfg, I can't fall in love with her. She's Ethan's. It's okay, all I need to do, is tell her stuff about Ethan.

''Hey, while we're walking .. Do you by any chance find Ethan nice? Or attractive?''

She stops walking and looks at me with a frown as she smiles.
''Why are you asking me that? Plus if I find you attractive that means he's attractive too. But in my opinion, I like you better. You're more caring and sweet and I appreciate that. Even though we hardly know each other, I like you a lot more than Ethan. Don't tell him though'' she says with a giggle.

I felt awkward but I was happy she liked me.

''Oh we're here'' I shout realising we arrived.


When we reached the place, I was amazed. It was a secret hideout full of Roses in a line to a path to seek an aqua, small waterfall.

''Woah. Grayson this is amazing! How did you find this place?'' I wonder while leaning in to feel the water.

He smiles and looks around. ''This place used to be my great grandpa's garden. I remembered Ethan and I always wondered what was behind this secret hide outdoor. My great grandpa didn't wanna tell us about it because it was apparently for me and Ethan. Then he promised us that on our 14th birthday, he will take us in here ...'' He says while sitting next to me.

''Was that how you discovered this place?''

He looks at me with sadness.

''No actually .. We went here when we're 16. Basically last year. My grandfather died on our birthday.'' He says, losing his voice.

I move closer to Grayson. ''Grayson, I'm so sorry''

He wipes his tears and smiles.

''Don't worry about it. I'm just very happy this place is still the same. My great-grandfather was the best. He was that grandfather any child would want. I'll miss him. He taught me and Ethan how to do all those things that 'big guys' could do."

I felt so bad for Grayson. I hugged him tightly till my phone rang.

Me: Hello?

Suzy: Where are you dumbass? Moms been waiting for you at the school car park.

Me: oh, sorry. I'll be there in a minute.

Suzy: hurry up.

''Hey Gray, I forgot my mom was picking me up early today,'' I say as I quickly stood up, causing him to stand up with me.

''Oh really? I'll walk you back'' he says as we both walk out the secret hideout.

''No no, it's okay. I gotta run anyway'' I say as I put my bag on.

As I was gonna run, Grayson grabs my arm. ''Aaliyah. Come on, let's walk together''

He's so sweet. I gave him a smile as we walk back together.



Me: dude chill the hell out. I'm here now.

we head towards the car park as I ran towards my car, seeing mom and sister.

''Hey Mom, sorry I was at the um ..'' I say as I tried to think what to say.

''We were at the field. I was touring her around'' Grayson says rescuing me.

I smile at him while Suzy gave him a death glare. ''Um who are you?''

I look at Suzy with annoyance. ''It's none of your business'' I say as she scoffs.

''Well it kinda is since I'm your older sister''

''Huh. I thought we made a deal?'' I say as I smirk.

She rolls her eyes and faces the front and I chuckle.

My mom looks at Grayson and smirks at me and mouth 'nice job Aaliyah''.

I giggle and said goodbye to Grayson. That secret hideout really refreshed my mind. Thanks to Grayson.


I wave goodbye to Aaliyah and walked home.

As I was walking, I realised I didn't really mention Ethan to Aaliyah and talked about good stuff about him.

I really need to focus. I can't have any distractions.

As I reach home, I hear laughing from out of the door.

Wow, Ethan. As I open the door, Ethan quickly turned off the TV and ran up to me.

''Dude?! Where were you? Mrs Smackers didn't let me talk the whole entire time. I thought you got detention too?'' He says while jumping around.

''Bro Chill. I was um ..'' I say trying to not say Aaliyah's name but when I lie, I stutter and that's the hard part.

Ethan gasps. ''WERE YOU WITH AALIYAH?!''

I was scared. Was Ethan gonna beat me up?

I smile awkwardly and nodded. But Ethan was happy. ''YES YES! WHAT DID SHE SAY ABOUT ME!?''

Um. I guess I shouldn't mention the part where she said she likes me better.

''Ye-yeah. I - I spoke to her about how you're re - really good at um .. Soc ball'' I can't lie. It's hard.

Ethan looks at me with confusion. ''Soc ball? You mean? Soccer?''

Fuck. What did I say? Soc ball? Wtf Grayson.

''Oh yeah I meant Soccer'' I chuckle. Ethan walks off and continued watching.

''Well, make sure she falls in love with me''

I roll my eyes. It seems like she's falling in love with me ...

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