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D E D I C A T E D  T O
dolan twins n youtubers
C R E A T E D  B Y
chapter 1:

i hear the sound of repetition of beeps in my ears as i slowly open my eyes as i realised it was time to wake up and have the energy to prepare for school. 

i turn off my alarm and somehow have enough power to stand up and got ready for school.

It was a new year and also a new school. I had to move schools since my parents got divorced and my mom took me and my annoying sister with her to California.

"aliyah, wake your ass up"

I turn my head towards the door with annoyance.

"im already awake you asshole" i shout in response.

''seems like my little sister woke up on the wrong side of the bed''  the door slowly opens, revealing a figure all dressed up and ready to go as she gives me a smirk as she throws the closest object at me and out of all the things in my room, she grabs my school shoes throwing it towards my face.

"thanks Suzy for the shoe'' I grab the shoe and place it on with a big smile, making her feel annoyance from the face i've gave to her.

After a few times jumping and trying to squeeze in my shoe , I finally placed it on and head out my room to walk downstairs.

but then i realised my annoying ass sister took the other shoe.

''GIVE IT BACK'' I shout as I grab my backpack and chase Suzy down the stairs. We start to chase each other around the kitchen, struggling to catch one another.

''Girls Girls! My relationship with your father is already a mess. Don't start making more mess with the house.''mother shouts as she touches her temples, feeling stress.

''Sorry mother'' we say in unison.

''So. aliyah, suzy .. ready for your new school?'' mom asks as she ignores the fact we annoyed and stressed her out.

Suzy nods like a total freak with milk dripping from her mouth. Jeez. It seriously looks like something else dripping and not milk.

"That's good. How about you aliyah?"

I smile awkwardly and shove cereal in my mouth. ''Yeaaah''

I obviously wasn't ready for a new school and making new friends. If I were being honest right now, I'm actually really nervous.

''Girls, lets go'' mom says as she grabs the keys from her purse and walks to the door.

Suzy stands up as I continue to finish my cereal when a strong hit suddenly hits my head ad I realise it's my sister's bag.

''Thanks Suzy for that delightful pat on the head'' I smile.

"No worries, you deserved it'' she says,  smiling back.

While we were driving to the new school, I started to remember my friends back at New Jersey. It's hard moving to a new school and make new friends, basically have to make new memories with new people.

I can't do that but I'll try.

''We're here Aliyah'' shouted Suzy who threw her bag at me.

"I can see that'' I say as I did a fake smile.

My mom smiles, thinking we were the best siblings ever.

''Bye kids! Have fun! Love you!'' We wave goodbye, hopping off the car, staring at the new school feeling the new environment around us. 

There was no one around walking. I'm guessing everyone's inside in class now.

While I was thinking to myself, i felt a push on the shoulder seeing suzy giving me a death glare. 

''Listen. Let's make some rules here. When we see each other, we will not talk or wave or cry running to each other alright? We gotta act like strangers. Deal?''

She says looking at me, waiting for me to reply.

I roll my eyes and nod. ''You sure you're not going to run up to me and start crying like 'wahh my boyfriend just broke up with me wahhh'' I say as I blew raspberries at her and giggle.

As I was laughing, Suzy pushed me once more causing me to bump someone.

''Sorry'' a deep voice says as I watch the guy smile at me as he continues to run off.

''Love at first sight aliyah.'' Suzy says as she smirks at me.

I scoff, rolling my eyes. ''You don't have to tutor me about love. Well I wouldn't go to you for advices anyway'' 

As she was ready to push me again, we heard footsteps heading towards us as we turned, seeing an old man.

''Hello girls! Im guessing you two are the new students at Sliders High!''

I'm guessing he's the principal. We both smile and nod, looking innocent as ever.

The principal chuckles. "Perfect! Follow me!''

We follow the principal and as we were walking, there was a girl by the office.



Great. Suzy found her long lost best friend. But she wasn't with me anymore so that's great.

As I followed the principal, I saw the guy that I bumped into earlier.

He was behind a door saying 'Detention'.

Dayum, a bad boy.

Hey y'all !! So that's it for the first chapter :) hope you enjoyed it though x hahahaha. I will sure to update quickly and if I don't, then ya know. Got no time. Thanks for reading this so much xx I appreciate it.

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