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It was another day at school. Feeling heartbroken. Depressed.

I just can't believe Aaliyah would do that to me.

I wasn't in the mood of doing anything as I wore a grey jumper and some black pants and went off to school.


"Hey Grayson, it's the 10th time I'm leaving a voicemail. Please .. call back"

I shut my phone as I continue to feel butterflies in my stomach.

Where the hell is Grayson?

I start to walk around the school to look for Grayson and I couldn't find him anywhere.

We had class first session in the morning and surprisingly, he wasn't there.


Hey E x did Grayson leave for school?

2 minutes later.
yea he did

Oh okay so he is here today.


It was finally Interval and it was my chance to look for Grayson once more.

I went to my locker to put my stuff away when suddenly I saw Grayson walking to his locker as I immediately widen my eyes.

"GRAYSON GRAYSON" I shout as I ran up to him.



I look to my right, seeing Aaliyah running towards me as I continue to keep my head low.

"Hey Grayson. Where have you been? Ive been trying to contact you for the pa—"

"Im not in the mood"

I cut her off her sentence as I start to walk off to my next class, trying to forget the memories I had with her.

Why is she acting all innocent? Like she never did something with Ethan.

Suddenly I felt her grab my arm, pulling me towards her as I watch her eyes start to water. "Why are you acting so different? Why do you seem like a new person?"

I look at her with annoyance as I scoff. "Why do I seem like a new person? And YOU'RE saying Im a new person. I should be telling you that not you telling me. I never changed but I know someone did."

I walk off once more, feeling pain in me as I could somewhat feel guilt.

I did not want to hurt her.

But somehow, that's now my only option.


I tried looking for Aaliyah as I finally spotted her, seeing her standing alone as I watch Grayson walking away from her.

I walk up to her as I tapped her shoulder. "Hey Aaliyah, you okay?"

I look into her eyes as I notice her peachy red cheeks, seeing her eyes water up.

She sniffs as I watch her wipe her tears. "Hey, I—I'm fine. Is Grayson okay?"

I look at her, frowning as I did not know what to reply. "I—I really don't know"

She looks at me with confusion. "Did something happen?"

"What do you mean? Between us two or me and him?" I ask trying to see if she knew we did something that night.

"Between you and him. What do you mean between us? You and I barely hang together"

Ouch. Did she just say that?

"Oh huh, true. Well um does .. Grayson not talk about me? When you two hang out?" I ask frowning.

Finally got the chance to see if Grayson is telling the truth.

She frowns. "Grayson barely mentions your name. So .. I barely know you as much as Grayson"

Wait .. so Grayson doesn't talk about me?

Grayson's been lying to me this whole time? No way. I thought. I could trust him.

"So .. did something happen between you two or not?" She asked again, crossing her arms as I sigh.

"Ye—yeah .. something happened. We had a fight over Mario kart last night and he got annoyed cuz he lost" I explain, keeping my head low.

Aaliyah smiles as I watch her nodding. "Oh that explains a lot .. thanks. I have to get going now. See you later"

Seems like I have to talk to Grayson.

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