Chapter 2

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Dan's POV

"Philip Micheal Lester, what the fuck do you think your doing?" I say arms crossed looking at the scene before me.

"Dan, no don't look!" He ran behind the couch with Dan's cereal box still in his hands.

"Phil! Stop eating my Captain' Crunch! You have your own!" I say walking towards Phil.

Phil looks back at me with his guilty blue eyes. "No I don't Dan, I ran out."

"How the hell did you already run out! That was a huge box, plus we just got it Tuesday." I put my head in my hands. Dammit Phil, I obviously wasn't mad at him. It wasn't really a fight, more like a silly joking argument that was half serious. But still... dammit

"But Dan, it's already Thursday." He smirked, being the little shit he is, "Plus I have been trying to save it but... Cereal is just really good." he giggled.

I couldn't help but chuckle slightly at his adorable little giggle. "Come on, let's just go watch that new show the fans asked us to watch, what was it?"

Phil sighs "Stranger things."

"Yeah that one." I say plopping onto our couch.

"But Dan, I wanna watch anime!" He whines.

"Phil don't whine like a child, come on they will murder us if we don't watch it by Tuesday." I state.

"Yuri needs us!" He exclaims grabbing the remote from my hands.

"Phil! Give it back!"

I get up off the couch and run towards him. He begins running around the house trying to avoid me. We run into the kitchen and I have him cornered.

"Phil, give me the fucking remote." I say walking towards him.

"No!" He exclaims holding the remote tightly to his chest. He struggles to keep the remote when I start pulling it from his fingers.

"Ah! Stop!" He yells when I begin to tickle him.

He giggles uncontrollably until he drops to the floor, releasing the remote.

"Aha! I have the remote." I run over to the sofa and begin to turn on Netflix.

"Danny! Please I just want to watch a bit of anime." He stares at me with his puppy dog eye. His crystal blue eyes begin to glisten. Finally I give into his adorable act.

"You know Phil, you're like a child." I say handing over the remote.

"I know!" He exclaims with a giddy smile towards the tv. As I just lean back while rolling my eyes.

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