Chapter: 14

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While Damon and Stefan were laughing Damon noticed a shadow in the woods. He shook it off and began laughing again.
Abigail watches the car, how it flips and slides. She watches how Stefan and Damon get thrown out the window. 'Idiots' She thought, 'Stefan better not die because of your stupidity Damon.' "Dispar" with that she leaves, not before catching they eyes of both Salvatore siblings.
     Abigail goes to the same bar both Stefan and Damon are at, she doesn't know that though. Orders a couple drinks using hey magic, even though she's supposed to be a six year old more of her brain is covered by eighteen year old thoughts.

     She downs her sixth shot when Stefan shows up at the bar. "Now, what's a pretty girl like you doing at the bar alone?" He questions. She grins, she missed his voice. "I don't have anyone with me, right now." Her voice is more familiar to him, which surprises him since he lost his memory.

      He grins, "Stefan, Stefan Salvatore." She nods, "I know who you are Stefan, the whole witch community knows your name. Especially the Bennett's. Oh yeah, I'm Abigail." He chuckles, maybe he could keep her around.
     While Stefan and Abigail have their moment, Elena and Damon are worrying about where Stefan went.

     Abigail gets dragged into an employee washroom by Stefan, "Stefan?" When she looks up she connects eyes with said person. "Don't move, Don't scream." He commands, she feels her body submit.

     "All day I've been told that if I just taste blood, I might not stop. I don't want to do this to you, but the hunger is overpowering." Right before he bites her neck Damon and Elena stops him. Elena gasps when she sees who he was about to bite. "Are you alright?" She asks, Abigail doesn't know why but she gets mad, "I'm fine." and pushes Elena away from her.
     The next day, Elena and and Stefan get stuck together while Damon deals with Jeremy.

     "I certainly hope that your family history was much happier than mine."

     Elena scoffs, "Well let's see, during the last three years I lost my adoptive parents, birth parents, my aunt, my guardian Alaric, my adopted siblings, Abigail and Tommy, got taken away, and my brother died. Although, he came back to life and my siblings are back in town, so there's that." And they just continue to talk before heading to the only high school in Mystic Falls.
     Abigail couldn't take it anymore, she was furious about Stefan falling in love with Elena again. She cried and cried. Why wouldn't love her, was she not good enough, pretty enough?

     She ran, it was 1:00 am,  so no one was awake, unless they were at the bonfire.

     She sat in the grass, surrounded by trees and said, "Obține în interiorul capului Ștefan." She saw him talking to a guy, telling him his feelings, she then saw Caroline. Stefan, she whispers in his mind. Go! Leave. Come to me. And he listens while Caroline saves Jesse.
     When they meet, Stefan realizes who he was talking to. "Abigail?" He asked, surprised. "Hey Stefan. I saw you feeding off that guy." She says. "I don't know why I did it, I was just, so hungry-" before he could finish there was a pair of lips on his. "You don't need to explain yourself to me Stefan. I love you just the way you are." Stefan smiles and kisses her again and again. "I love you to, I don't know how, but you seem more familiar to me than my own brother."

     "Go home Stefan, leave, stay. It's all up to you." And that's what he did.
     "When Damon and Elena get home they find Stefan there burning journals.
"Whatcha you doing?" Elena asks

     "just tidying up a few odds and ends." He replies. "You sure you wanna do that?" Damon questions.

     "I know what I don't want, I want to be the person in these journals anymore, I sure don't want my brothers   advice, and I definitely do not want to continue this conversation." Stefan answers.

     "Stefan wait." Elena says, but Stefan cuts her off, "Don't worry about me Elena, I'm not going to go on a ripper binge. Besides, Abigail says she would call me every hour to make sure I was okay. And I trust her more than you guys."
     Later that night Abigail finds Stefan. "Hey, how you doing?" Stefan answers and questions why she's wearing a black dress. "My sister, well birth sister, died so I'm going to get funeral." She answered. "Are you okay?" He questions. "I already knew, but it still hurts because I left when I was a baby and didn't see her much."

     Abigail starts to cry. She looks at Stefan and asks the most honest thing she has ever thought, "Why do bad things always happen to me?" " What do you mean?" Stefan was honestly confused, how could such a nice girl go through so much pain.

     "Well, my birth mother gave me and my brother to my grandma so she didn't have to deal with us. We were one almost two at the time. My grandma couldn't afford it since she was retired. So, she gave us to the Gilberts. They died right after our birthday though. Then we were in the care of John Gilbert. I hated him so much." She stopped and laughed at all the memories she had of her brother getting the man mad.

     "But we loved him. Like my mom, he got tired of us so he gave us to our Aunt, Jenna Sommers, who was the guardian of Jeremy and Elena Gilbert, our adoptive siblings. Even though she was our guardian, we stayed at our grandma's place with Bonnie. After everyone found out about the supernatural, she died. A couple months later we were taken away from Jenna and sent to Alaska. There, we were tested on by distant relatives." A tear went down her cheek thinking about all the scars that made, physically and emotionally.

     "They were trying to make us age faster. They succeeded. We were two year olds in fourteen year olds bodies." Now came the hard part. "After a while my aunt got angry that I was lagging the knowledge that they tried to teach us when my brother got a's and b's. She started to hit me with a belt, then came the slapping. Now, it's whatever she finds on the ground." She started to cry. "I have no one."

     Stefan pulled her into a hug. "You have me. You always will. Just like you were there for me when I wax drowning." Abigail sat up confused. "Who ever did this to me made sure I remembered you. And I'm happy they did." He leaned and kissed her.
     Abigail was happy, until she got home where she faced the wrath of her mother.

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