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I smiled at Jimin who was going off about how he hated where he work and how he had school the next morning but he was always stuck doing extra work till late hours. I could listen to him talk everyday, even if it was just nonsense. Something about being with someone I knew in my world just warmed my heart a little. It was like someone decided to build a little fire in my heart. (Cringe)

Jimin placed his small hands over mines, a wide grin plastered onto his face. "Thank you so much for listening to me ramble, it's just no one listens to me anymore." Jimin sighed deeply before reaching into his pocket. Out he pulled a small black velvet box with cursive lettering printed on top of it. Jimin's finger slowly glided across the top and down to the opening.

He opened the box to reveal a gold ring with his name written on it in silver. "My boyfriend gave this to me before he disappeared." Yoongi looked down to see what Jimin was talking about. Yoongi eyes widen as he saw the ring, similar to the one he had given to Jimin in the real world. "Oh."

Yoongi only softly gasped as he sat back down in shock. Things in the real world is now appearing in this world? Yoongi smiled and asked to see the ring. Jimin gave this Yoongi a i-dont-trust-you look before slowly placing it in his palm. The gold ring felt cold but warm at the same time. It scare Yoongi almost.

Yoongi lifted the ring in the air and looked through it. Exactly like the one he gave Jimin. Yoongi sighed and placed the ring back in Jimin's palm, brining Jimin's fingers on top. "Don't lose this okay?" Yoongi said and suddenly stood up, slipping his jacket on and grabbing his stuff, heading out the door not wanting to look back.

He needed to be away from Jimin suddenly. He needed to think about what has happened and what will happen if he continue to fall for Jimin more. Hoseok is such a sweet guy it would suck to see him heartbroken but Jimin was his first true love and being with him would make Yoongi happy. Being with Hoseok would Yoongi happy. He loved both.

No matter how hard he tried to hate Hoseok, he couldn't. He had spent a whole week with him so now he felt like he was trapped in a box, trying to escape from the heart covered walls but he couldn't. If only he could wake up gasping for air and be in his old home.

Sighing, Yoongi unlocked the door to his shared apartment. The pleasant smell of delicious food filled Yoongi's nose. He quietly slipped his shoes off, turning the corner to see Hoseok standing with his head down while mixing something. Yoongi smiled at the scene. Hoseok just looked so perfect standing there. With his loose T-shirt hanging from his shoulders.

"What smells so good?" Yoongi smiled and walked over, wrapping his arms around Hoseok's waist. The warmth filled his body but soon disappeared when Hoseok pushed him back a little. "I'm a little busy." Hoseok replied as he grabbed the salt next to him. Yoongi smirked a little, surprised by Hoseok's sassy attitude.

"What are you making?" Yoongi asked as he placed his chin in the palm of his hand. "Food." Hoseok said, practically ignoring Yoongi. "You never make this when I'm around." Hoseok snorted and raised his eyebrows. "Like you're ever here." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, looking at Hoseok in confusion.

"What's wrong?" Hoseok snorted again but didn't bother to reply this time. Yoongi huffed and wrapped his arms around Hoseok again, his lips softly touching Hoseok's neck. "Stop, I'm trying to cook." Complained Hoseok. Hoseok's hand flew back which cause some hot oil to rush down onto his hand.

He yelled in pain and dropped the utensil, grabbing his hand in the process. Yoongi who had watched it, stood up in horror, backing away from Hoseok. "Ugh, stupid thing." Hoseok placed a wet towel over his hand and walked past Yoongi. Yoongi followed, worried Hoseok would hate him for causing this.

He leaned against the door frame, watching Hoseok try to get rid of the extreme pain now shooting up his arm. "I'm so sorry baby, please don't be mad." Yoongi gave his puppy eyes to Hoseok, hoping Hoseok would forgive him. "Who fucking cares?! I'm in pain!" Hoseok yelled back unintentionally, making Yoongi jump back from shock.

Hoseok shook his then look at Yoongi.

"I'm sorry. Just leave me alone."

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