the beginning of sugar rush

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Lisa's POV

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Lisa's POV

"This week's winner is BLACKPINK's Playing With Fire, congratulation!"

I couldn't help but cry. We still could manage to win despite it was already our fourth week promoting our songs (Playing With Fire and Stay). The crybaby Rosé was also crying right after she heard the winning announcement.

"Thank you to our CEO, Yang Hyun Suk sajangnim, the one who composes our great songs, Teddy, our family, friends, and our lovely fans! Thank you so much for all the supports you guys have been giving us!" said Jisoo for the winning speech. After the three emcees did the closing, we - Blackpink, bowed to each person on the stage.

After all the stuff we did for encore stage, then we went to our dressing room.

"Dope performance...congrats girls!!" said Jennie while spreading her arms to do a group hug.

"We did it again unnie," i hugged Jennie first and the other came after me.

"Now, it's time to eat" Jisoo broke our group hug and grinned.


"I want pork meat" Jennie.

"I want pizza" I said.

"NO, FOR TODAY, CHIKIN IT IS!" said Jisoo. "I heard the cafeteria here in SBS serves the best fried chicken."

"Girls, it's time to go back to the dorm, you girlies need to rest," our manager said while gave us each a hoodie to put on.

"I like the idea since I really want to sleep right now, so let's go to our dorm and order fried chicken," I said and the three glared at me.

"Lisa, chicken tastes the best when you eat it in the place when it's still hot and you can feel the sexiness of its crunch, urgh," said Jisoo while dreamily thought of her precious chikin.

"Pack your stuffs up and let's go," our manager is really the best. We packed up our things and headed out of the dressing room to our van.

I walked quickly since I always want to sit in the back seat behind the driver's. I just followed our manager and sometimes turned my head to check if my unnies followed my pace.

When we reached the van, our manager opened the door and I went in. Our manager sat in the driver seat and start the engine. I rested my head and that's when I realized, my unnies weren't there. I was shookt.

"JISOO JENNIE AND ROSE UNNIE HAS DISAPPEARED" I shouted while i shook the driver's seat.

"OH GOD! Lisa, you just wait here and I will find the three troubled girls as soon as possible," I didn't get to reply him and he just hurriedly get off the van. And here I am in the van, alone.

I put on my earpiece to listen to some good musics and tried to get some sleep.

Jungkook's POV

After our performance, I sneaked out to go to the convenience store near SBS building to buy a strawberry milk and some beverages for my hyungs.

"Thank you" I got off the store while sipped my strawberry milk to the SBS building.

A girl walked pass me, but after a few steps, she stepped back and stared at me suspiciously. I awkwardly bowed to her and walked faster, try to act calm.

Okay Jungkook, you can get through this, act like a normal person. I heard that the girl called some other girls, that i assume as her friends. The bunch of girls ran toward me and followed me from behind.

Just keep walking, just keep walking. I thought to myself and walked little faster. Now, the girls were following my pace as quick as I am and I just realized there were like 20 girls.

You already put your mask on, nobody will notices you. Again I thought to myself and the girls were taking picture of me and some of them tried to touch me. That's when I realized, O NO I do already put my mask on but my coconut head is still showing! I ran as fast as I could to get rid of the crazy fangirls. I didn't know where am I going, I had nothing in my mind except to run away from the fangirls.

I felt relieved when I reached the SBS parking lot. I tried to find my van and hoped that my manager already unlock the door so I can get in as soon as possible.

Yes! There it is, i found my (and my hyungs) van, I opened the door and i was blessed that God hear my praying. It was unlocked and I got in. I peeked from the window to see where the fangirls are and thank God once again they didn't see me. I sighed and tried to adjust the AC, except... this is not my van.

Holy crap. I turned to my side and saw a girl was staring at me weirdly.

"JUNGKOOK OPPA WHERE ARE YOU???" I heard the scream and immediately covered the girl's mouth with my palm and pushed her head down with my arm, so the fangirls couldn't see us.

After the eardrum-breaking-screams of the fangirls dissipated, we both sat back straight.

"WHO ARE YOU?, no why are you here?.. what are you doing?" the girl asked me-which more like shouting-.

I gained my confidence and looked at her face directly, blonde hair, pretty lips, beautiful pair of eyes which was widened because of the shock. After a moment of silent, i realized.. The girl is BLACKPINK's Lisa.

"Uh...I'm sorry..." I was so speechless while rubbing the back of my neck then i pulled off my mask to show her my face. "Hello...I'm BTS's Jungkook." Her reaction was priceless. She was so shocked for the second time until her eyes were about to popped out.

"OH! Jungkook sunbaenim, i'm BLACKPINK's Lisa, hello... I'm sorry for my impoliteness earlier," she looked down and kept apologizing me.

"I already know who you are and it's okay, this is my fault though," I awkwardly patted her back and she looked up to me.

"Oh yeah, you should have been wondering why am I here right? so it's because I was chased by about a hundred fangirls I think, that was scary, so I ran toward the SBS building but I didn't really know where am I going then I found your van that I THOUGHT as my van," she mouthed and 'o' as i grinned, feeling embarrassed.

"Hahaha, no problem Jungkook sunbaenim, I would be as scared though if I were you," she laughed.

We both went silent for awhile and I didn't know what to do.

"Ah yes Lisa, I'm so sorry to disturb you once again," I apologized one more time and she gave me a such beautiful smile while nodded. "I'm better get going now since the fangirls were disappeared, see you," I was about to open the door but Lisa stopped me.

"You should take this so the fangirls won't recognize you once again," she handed me a cap and smiled.

"Ooh you're right, thank you so much," I returned the smile and took the cap. I got off the car and waved at her from the outside of the car. I could see she was waving back at me.

Getting chased by the fangirls wasn't that bad after all.


ーAuthor's Note:
Finally the first chapter,
let me know how u guys think of this chapter in the comment section ily😊💕💕

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